Foreign nationals may obtain tourist visas if they hold passports or travel documents valid for more than six months for purposes of sightseeing, business, family visits, study or training, medical treatment, or other legitimate activities.

For more information please visit the Ministry of the Interior National ImmigrationAgency Republic of China (Taiwan)

Visitors who hold passports of China, Hong Kong, and Macau should refer to the following section to apply for a visa.

90-day visa-exempt stay – 54 Countries
Asia Australia Israel Japan Republic of Korea Marshall Islands New Zealand
Palau Tuvalu
Americas Canada Chile Guatemala Haiti Honduras Nicaragua
Paraguay U.S.A.
Europe Andorra Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus
Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany
Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia
Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Netherlands
North Macedonia Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino
Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland U.K.
Vatican City State
Africa Eswatini
30-day visa-exempt stay – 8 Countries
Asia Malaysia Nauru Singapore
Americas Belize Dominican Republic Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
14-day visa-exempt stay – 3 Countries
Asia Brunei Philippines Thailand
  1. A passport with remaining validity of at least six months as of the date of entry
    • Visa-exempt entry only applies to foreign visitors holding formal passports (i.e., ordinary, official/service and diplomatic passports). Those holding emergency, temporary, or other informal passports or travel documents are ineligible, with the exception of those holding a Brunei Certificate of Identity.
    • Holders of Belizean, Eswatini, Nauru, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucian and Tuvalu Passports with place of birth recorded on the passport data page as : Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, the People’s Republic of China, Syria and Yemen are ineligible for the visa exemption. Holders of Honduran passport with “place of birth” recorded on the passport data page as the People’s Republic of China are also ineligible for the visa exemption.
    • A national of the Republic of the Marshall Islands” shall mean any person who holds the nationality of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and is confined to the following categories:(1) a person who acquires the citizenship of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands at birth before the effective date of the Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and has become and remains a citizen of the Republic of the Marshall Islands; or (2) a person who acquires the citizenship of the Republic of the Marshall Islands at birth, on or after the effective date of the Constitution of the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
    • USA nationals who possess a,including emergency passports,valid for the intended period of stay are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
    • Japan nationals who possess a passport valid for the intended period of stay are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
    • Holder of emergency or temporary passport (except those from the United States of America) should apply for a visa at an ROC overseas mission, or a landing visa after arriving in the ROC(Landing visa is temporarily suspending).
  2. A confirmed return air/sea ticket or air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure flight.
  3. Not determined by immigration officers at ports of entry in the ROC to be otherwise ineligible.
  4. Holders of Brunei, Philippines and Thailand passports must have: A proof of accommodation (hotel) booking, host / sponsor’s contact information and sufficient travel funds.
  5. Brunei, the Philippines and Thailand vessel/aircraft crew members or service personnel intending to board to report for duty are ineligible for the visa-free entry.


An eVisa is an official document issued electronically by ROC overseas missions that allows foreign nationals to enter and travel in Taiwan. To obtain an eVisa, applicants must submit relevant personal information and pay the required fee by credit card. The eVisa will be issued after the submitted information has been assessed and found to meet relevant criteria.

Registrants who need conference organizer’s support document to applying Taiwan eVisa, please contact secretariat:

Applicant qualifications

  1. Nationals of the following countries are eligible for an eVisa when they meet relevant criteria: Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Dominica, Ecuador, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kuwait, Mauritius, Montenegro, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Türkiye, and United Arab Emirates.
  2. Nationals from all foreign countries who are invited to attend international conferences, sporting events, trade fairs or other activities in Taiwan organized, co-organized or sponsored by ROC central government agencies are also eligible for an eVisa.

Foreign nationals seeking to apply for an eVisa to participate in international conferences held in Taiwan may contact with the event’s organizer in Taiwan. The event’s organizer may apply for an Ecode which is required for eVisa online applications by sending an official document with relevant information to the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) one month prior to the arrival date.

When an application is approved, the event’s organizer will get an Ecode and it should be passed to the applicant. The applicant uses the Ecode in eVisa online application. When an eVisa application has been approved, the applicant will receive an email confirmation. The applicant must print out the eVisa and take it and an English recommendation letter from the event’s organizer to enter Taiwan.

For Visitors who hold China (PRC) passports

The immigration control policy for PRC passport holders on National Immigration Agency, R.O.C. was established prior to the Covid-19 pandemic (
For the most up-to-date regulations, please refer to the links: (Chinese version ) or (English version).

Visa (entry permit) application for People’s Republic of China (PRC) passport holder is currently not fully open due to COVID-19 related restrictions. However, the circumstance is evolving rapidly. Regular checking on this webpage and National Immigration Agency web are highly recommended to get most updated information.

In the meantime, we are preparing the submission for entry-permit applications on behalf of visitors with China passports. It is suggested to sign-up the following list and leave correct contact info no later than April 30, if you are a PRC passport holder. The designated agent will contact you for documents required for the process.

If you sign-up after 4/30, we will still contact you for documents required for the process. However, as the review process is conducted by the government agency, we cannot guarantee the exact review time.

Sign-up here:

(4/21 updated)


  1. 身份證
  2. 在職證明/在學證明
  3. 公司法人營利事業登記證書加蓋公司印章。(教職員及學生不須提供)
  4. 個人簡歷
  5. 兩吋白底半身證件照片
  6. 來台申請書
  7. 港澳身分證/第三地居留證(非大陸地區居民皆須提供)
  8. 入出境許可證申請書

The following table shows the process for PRC passport holder, who departures from China, to apply Taiwan entry permit.

作業順序 入台申請作業流程(台灣端) 赴台報批申請作業流程(大陸端)
第一步骤 請確認完成會議報名及繳費後,告知大會秘書,我們會委請旅行社提供後續協助。
1. 大陸地區人民入出台灣地區申請書
2. 身分證正反面,照片2吋(白底)
3. 在職證明(A4需服務單位開立正本,並用機關章)
4. 專業證明(A4複印件,職業證明或最高學歷畢業證書)
5. 機構證明(A4複印件,機構之立案證明)
1. 向貴學校及單位的國際合作處諮詢來台相關流程
2. 向貴單位申請來台手續

1. 立項請示報告 (國台辦領取)
2. 大會邀請函
3. 在台行程表 (大會議程表)
4. 邀請單位背景介紹
5. 赴台人員名單
6. 聲明書

第二步驟 持入台許可證至國台辦披件後至省公安機關出入境管理部門辦理
國台辦辦理批件之應備文件 省公安機關辦理「大陸居民往來台灣通行證」(赴台批)之應備文件
1. 「台湾地區入出境許可證」(入台證)複印件
2. 大會邀請函
3. 在台行程表 (大會議程表)
4. 邀請單位背景介绍
5. 赴台人員名單
6. 聲明書
1. 國台辦「赴台批件」
2. 「台灣地區入出境許可證」複印件
3. 大會邀請函
4. 身分證正本、複印件
5. 户口本正本、複印件
6. 2吋照片4張

For Visitors who hold Hong Kong or Macau passports

For Hong Kong and Macau residents who need to get Entry and Exit Permit, please follow the steps.

    1. Complete the application form online (
    2. Wait for the approval of the Entry and Exit Permit.
    3. Make the process fee payment.
    4. Entry to Taiwan with color-printed Entry and Exit Permit document.

Should there be any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us!
(Ms. Alena Chou –