Submission Format: For the review process, your submission must use the templates from ACM TAPS system. These templates are one column.
Submission Length: Please consult appropriate submission category on the CFP page for details.
Rigorous peer-review: Each submission will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers from the Program Committee and a meta reviewer from the Senior Program Committee.
Anonymity: For full/perspective and short papers, the review process is DOUBLE-BLIND. Authors need to ensure that all the paper content and supplementary material is anonymized (i.e., the reviewers SHOULD NOT be able to determine who you are). For demo/resource, workshop, tutorial, and doctoral consortium papers, the review process is SINGLE-BLIND. Authors should NOT anonymize their work.
No Dual Submission: Full/perspective and short/demo/resource paper submissions should NOT be currently under review at another publication venue.
No Preprints allowed: Full/perspective and short papers should NOT have been submitted as preprints.
The authors should have received the email about how to prepare their final submission. The workflow and preparation instructions for final submissions are here. Completed, final versions must be submitted to TAPS by January 10, 2023. If you have any questions about submission guidelines, please contact the Proceedings Chair Rick Kopak.