Please review the registration information below. Then when ready to proceed, click the button below for online registration.


NOTE:  To register on-site at ACM SIGIR 2018, you must use your own laptop/computing device
to register online once the site re-opens on Sunday, July 8.
Once payment is confirmed, the registration staff will then issue your name badge and conference packet.

For problems or questions regarding SIGIR 2018 registration please email:

Fees & Deadlines


Last Day: May 5, 2018


Last Day: June 8, 2018


Last Day: June 30, 2018

Registration Fees

Please note that SIGIR 2018 does not offer a registration option for workshop or tutorial-only participation.

Early (Until May 5, 2018)
Category Passport Conference +Tutorial (Full day) +Tutorial (Half day) +Workshop (Full day) +Workshop (Half day)
ACM/SIGIR Members*1 USD 750 USD 600 USD 120 USD 60 USD 120 USD 60
Non-ACM/SIGIR Members USD 850 USD 700 USD 150 USD 75 USD 150 USD 75
Students*2 USD 400 USD 300 USD 60 USD 30 USD 60 USD 30
Regular (May 6, 2018 – June 8, 2018)
Category Passport Conference +Tutorial (Full day) +Tutorial (Half day) +Workshop (Full day) +Workshop (Half day)
ACM/SIGIR Members*1 USD 850 USD 700 USD 120 USD 60 USD 120 USD 60
Non-ACM/SIGIR Members USD 950 USD 800 USD 150 USD 75 USD 150 USD 75
Students*2 USD 450 USD 350 USD 60 USD 30 USD 60 USD 30
Late (June 9, 2018 – June 30, 2018) / On-site
Category Passport Conference +Tutorial (Full day) +Tutorial (Half day) +Workshop (Full day) +Workshop (Half day)
ACM/SIGIR Members*1 USD 1050 USD 800 USD 150 USD 75 USD 150 USD 75
Non-ACM/SIGIR Members USD 1150 USD 900 USD 180 USD 90 USD 180 USD 90
Students*2 USD 550 USD 400 USD 75 USD 40 USD 75 USD 40
Extra Banquet Ticket USD 100

*1: Must be a current ACM member. Members will be requested to fill in their ACM Membership Number (7 digits) on the registration form to prove their status.

*2: The student rate is available only to those who have student status at the time of the conference.  Students are required to submit a scanned copy (either jpg/jpeg or pdf format) of their student ID when completing the online registration form.  Please see the Student Registration section below for conditions and instructions.

Ticket Benefits


Your “Passport” conference registration fee includes the following: 


  • Main Conference (Monday-Wednesday sessions)
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops
  • Exhibition
  • Conference Materials (Proceedings, etc.)
  • Coffee breaks
  • Complimentary Welcome Reception on Sunday July 8
  • Banquet on Tuesday July 10 (one ticket)
  • Business Meeting on Wed July 11 
  • (For students, Student Luncheon on Monday July 9, with RSVP.)


Your regular “Conference” registration fee includes the following: 

  • Main Conference (Monday-Wednesday sessions)
  • Exhibition 
  • Conference Materials (Proceedings, etc.) 
  • Coffee breaks
  • Complimentary Welcome Reception on Sunday July 8
  • Banquet on Tuesday July 10 (one ticket)
  • Business Meeting on Wed July 11
  • (For students, Student Luncheon on Monday July 9, with RSVP)



Payment must be made in U.S. dollars and can be made by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX) or debit card (VISA, Mastercard) during the online registration process.  If you need to pay by wire transfer, please contact the conference registration chair at sigir2018-registration [AT]  Note that with wire transfers it may take up to 14 days to process your registration.

On-site Registration

On-site registration will be available at the registration desk during SIGIR 2018.  NOTE:  To register on-site at ACM SIGIR 2018, you must use your own laptop to register online once the site re-opens on Sunday, July 8. The registration staff at the desk will then issue your name badge and conference packet. No cash payment will be accepted when registering on-site.

Student Registration

You must be a full time student in an accredited undergraduate, masters or graduate program. The student rate is available only to those who have student status at the time of the conference.  You will be required to upload a digital version of your student ID at registration and to present your student ID as you check in. Your student ID must be valid at the time you check in at the registration desk.

Student Luncheon

The ACM SIGIR Executive Committee will host a Student Lunch during the main conference.  Only those with Student registration (and others by invitation only) may register for and attend this event.  There is no cost to attendees, but you should RSVP in advance during your registration process, since the number of places is limited (first-come, first-served; see registration form).

Diversity and Inclusion Luncheon

This year the ACM SIGIR Executive Committee is again hosting a Diversity and Inclusion Lunch to provide a forum for community members to learn about and discuss issues related to diversity and inclusion.  It is open to anyone, and has a nominal additional fee.  If interested, please RSVP in advance during your registration, since the number of places is limited (first-come, first-served; see registration form).

Guest Banquet Tickets

Guest banquet tickets for unregistered friends or family are available at the time you register. Tickets are USD $100 each.


The online registration system will send you an email confirmation automatically  when  your credit card payment has been successfully processed.


The online registration system is set up so that you can print out your receipt yourself.  To do that, in the confirmation email you received, click the link “Review, change or update your registration”.  This will bring you to your registration receipt, and from there, select the link “Print your registration”.

Changes to Registration

You may change your registration personal/profile information and some program choices prior to the start of the conference, up until the end of the late registration period.  Any costs for updated items will be those for the registration period in which you are making the updates, not your initial registration period (if different).

To make changes:  In the confirmation email you received, click the link “Review, change or update your registration”.  This will bring you to your registration receipt, and from there, select the link “Manage your registration” to make the desired changes.


Requests for registration cancellation must be made in writing and emailed to sigir2018-registration [AT] Requests received during the early registration period will be eligible for a 100% refund; during the regular registration period will be eligible for a 50% refund; and during or after the late registration period no refund will be possible (except in cases of visa denial, below).  All refunds are likely to be processed after the end of the event. Refunds will be issued back to your credit card.

If you are cancelling because you were denied a visa and you applied for your visa on or before May 31, 2018, we will refund your registration fees even after the cancellation deadline.  Such refund requests must be received within one week of conference closing with accompanying documents showing visa denial.  Applying for a visa after the above deadline and not getting an answer in time does not qualify you for a late refund.

At least one author of each accepted paper (of any type) is required to attend the event and present the paper: no request of cancellation will thus be honored unless another co-author is registered for the event.

Requesting Visa Support Letters


ACM is able to provide visa support letters to attendees as well as authors with accepted papers, posters, or members of the conference committee.

For visa support letters, please mail . Those requesting a letter should allow up to one week to receive it. All requests are handled in the order they are received. The information below should be included with the request.

  • Name (as it appears on attendee’s passport) and mailing address
  • The name of the conference attendees is registering for
  • Attendee’s registration confirmation number.
  • Authors may indicate their paper title. Speakers can provide the title of their talk.
  • Include a fax number or email address of where letter can be sent. ACM does not provide letters for transport of vendor or presenter equipment. ACM suggests shipping the materials insured to the conference facility.

ACM Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment

All ACM members and members of ACM Special Interest Groups (“SIGs”) must abide by the ACM Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment with respect to their participation in ACM-related activities. Please see the SIGIR Conference Code of Conduct for a description of this policy.

The Policy Against Harassment at ACM Activities, as well as related procedures, are now available:
Stop Harassment –
Report Unacceptable Behavior –