Volume 42 Number 1
Table of Contents
From the Chair
Liz Liddy, p 1
INEX Reports
Overview of the INEX 2007 Book Search Track (BookSearch ’07)
Gabriella Kazai and Antione Doucet, pp 2-15
Multimedia Retrieval and INEX 2007
Theodora Tskirika and Thijs Westerveld, pp 16-21
Report on the XML Mining Track at INEX 2007
Ludovic Denoyer and Patrick Gallinari, pp 22-28
CIKM Workshop Reports
Advances in Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management
Aparna Varde and Jian Pei, pp 29-35
Report on the 9th International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2007)
Irini Fundulaki and Neoklis Polyzotis, pp 36-43
ECIR Reports
30th European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR ’08)
Iadh Ounis, Ian Ruthven and Vassilis Plachouras, pp 44-46
(Somewhat) Grand Challenges for Information Retrieval
Nicholas J. Belkin, pp 47-54
Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval
Omar Alonso and Hugo Zaragoza, pp 55-58
ECIR 2008 Workshop on Efficiency Issues in Information Retrieval
Roi Blanco and Fabrizio Silvestri, pp 59-62
Workshop Reports
AIR 2006 First International Workshop on Adaptive Information Retrieval
Hideo Joho, Jana Urban, Robert Villa, Joemon M. Jose and C. J. van Rijsbergen, pp 63-66
Information Retrieval Facility Symposium in Vienna
John Tait, p 67
Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web (AIRWeb 2007)
Carlos Castillo, Kumar Chellapilla and Brian D. Davison, pp 68-72
The Fourth Asian Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS 08)
Hang Li, Wei-Ying Ma, Jian-Yun Nie and Kam-Fai Wong, pp 73-74
Dissertation Abstracts
Supporting Human Memory in Personal Information Management
David Elsweiler, p 75
Beyond Bags of Words: Effectively Modeling Dependence and Features in Information Retrieval
Donald Metzler, p 77
A Large Time-Aware Web Graph
Paolo Boldi, Massimo Santini and Sebastiano Vigna, pp 78-83
Compressed Collections for Simulated Crawling
Alessio Orlandi and Sebastiano Vigna, pp 84-89