December 2012


Volume 46 Number 2

Table of Contents


From the Chair…
James Allan, pp 1-2

ACM SIGIR Annual Business Meeting 2012: Secretary’s Notes
Andrew Trotman, pp 3-9

Panel on Use of Proprietary Data
Jamie Callan and Alistair Moffat, pp 10-18

Information Retrieval as Engineering Science
Norbert Fuhr, pp 19-28

Conference Reports

CLEF 2012 Information Access Evaluation meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Visual Analytics
Tiziana Catarci, Nicola Ferro, Pamela Forner, Djoerd Hiemstra, Jussi Karlgren, Anselmo Penas, Giuseppe Santucci, Christa Womser-Hacker, pp 29-33

ECIR 2012: 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval Research
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Mari-Carmen Marcos, Arjen P. de Vries, Hugo Zaragoza, B. Barla Cambazoglu, Vanessa Murdock, Alvaro Barreiro, David E. Losada, Ronny Lempel, Fabrizio Silvestri, Mounia Lalmas, pp 34-41

HCIR 2012: The Sixth International Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval
Robert Capra, Gene Golovchinsky, Bill Kules, Catherine L. Smith, Daniel Tunkelang, Ryen W. White, pp 42-49

Report on INEX 2012
P. Bellot, T. Chappell, A. Doucet, S. Geva, S. Gurajada, J. Kamps, G. Kazai, M. Koolen, M. Landoni, M. Marx, A. Mishra, V. Moriceau, J. Mothe, M. Preminger, G. Ramirez, M. Sanderson, E. Sanjuan, F. Scholer, A. Schuh, X. Tannier, M. Theobald, M. Trappett, A. Trotman, Q. Wang, pp 50-59

PROMISE Retreat Report Prospects and Opportunities for Information Access Evaluation
Nicola Ferro, Richard Berendsen, Allan Hanbury, Mihai Lupu, Vivien Petras, Maarten de Rijke, Gianmaria Silvello, pp 60-84

The ACM A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration
Stewart Whiting, pp 85-86

Workshop Reports

The First Joint International Workshop on Entity-oriented and Semantic Search (JIWES)
Krisztian Balog, David Carmel, Arjen P. de Vries, Daniel M. Herzig, Peter Mika, Haggai Roitman, Ralf Schenkel, Pavel Serdyukov, and Thanh Tran Duc, pp 87-94

Open Source Information Retrieval: a Report on the SIGIR 2012 Workshop
Andrew Trotman, Charles L. A. Clarke, Iadh Ounis, Shane Culpepper, Marc-Allen Cartright, Shlomo Geva, pp 95-101

Fernando Diaz, Susan Dumais, Kira Radinsky, Maarten de Rijke, Milad Shokouhi, pp 102-106

Report on the WebQuality 2012 Workshop
Carlos Castillo, Zoltan Gyongyi, Adam Jatowt, Katsumi Tanaka, pp 107-110

Dissertation Abstracts

Information Retrieval with Query Hypergraphs
Michael Bendersky, pp 111-111

Improving the Effectiveness of Language Modeling Approaches to Information Retrieval: Bridging the Theory-Effectiveness Gap
Yuanhua Lv, pp 112-113

Learning to Predict the Future using Web Knowledge and Dynamics
Kira Radinsky, pp 114-115

Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval
Almer S. Tigelaar, pp 116-116

Modeling and Solving Term Mismatch for Full-Text Retrieval
Le Zhao, pp 117-118