December 2005


Volume 39 Number 2

Table of Contents


From the Chair
Jamie Callan


Recommended Reading for IR Research Students
Alistair Moffat, Justin Zobel and David Hawking

SIGIR Workshop Reports

The SIGIR 2005 Workshop Program
Douglas W. Oard

Future Short Term Goals of Research in Computational Analysis of Stylistics in Text
Shlomo Argamon, Jussi Karlgren and James G. Shanahan

Heterogeneous and Distributed
Information Retrieval

Ranieri Baraglia, Domenico Laforenza and Fabrizio Silvestri

Predicting Query Difficulty – Methods and Applications
David Carmel, Elad Yom-Tov and Ian Soboroff

ACM SIGIR Workshop on Mathematical/Formal Methods in Information Retrieval
Sandor Dominich, Iadh Ounis and Jian-Yun Nie

Information Retrieval in Context – IRiX
Peter Ingwersen and Kalervo Jarvelin

Multimedia Information Retrieval
R Manmatha, Stephan Rueger and Alex Hauptmann

Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-world Applications (ELECTRA 2005)
Olga Vechtomova, Rosie Jones and Gael Dias

Workshop and Conference Reports

INEX 2005 Workshop on
Element Retrieval Methodology

Andrew Trotman and Mounia Lalmas

XSI 2005 Workshop at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland
Ryen W. White, Bill Kules and Ben Bederson

Dissertation Abstracts

An investigation of methods for enhanced searching of distributed data objects exploiting bidirectional relevance feedback
Panagiotis Petratos

Bayesian Graphical Models for Adaptive Filtering
Yi Zhang