How to submit

All submission deadlines have passed.

Submissions to SIGIR 2009 have different deadlines, formats, and procedures, depending on whether your are submitting a paper, poster, etc. This page points you to the information needed.

Unless otherwise indicated, all submissions are due before the indicated deadline date has passed everywhere on the planet, which means by 23:59:59 Apia Samoa time on the date indicated. That corresponds to 05:59:59 (in the morning) Boston time (EST, GMT-5) the following day. For example, paper abstract submissions are due before 6am US east coast time on January 20th.

Papers (abstracts by Jan 19; papers by Jan 26) (closed)

See the call for papers for requirements regarding submission formatting and content. Abstracts and papers may be submitted at by the deadlines indicated. Note that a paper submission will not be accepted if an abstract was not submitted by the first deadline.

Workshops (by Feb 2) (closed)

Submissions must be in PDF and no more than 1,000 words. See the call for workshop proposals for additional details regarding content and formatting.

Send workshop proposals by email to

Tutorials (by Feb 23) (closed)

Tutorial proposals must be in PDF and 4-5 pages long. See the call for tutorial proposals for additional details regarding content and formatting.

Send tutorial proposals by email to the Tutorial Chair, Arjen P. de Vries, at arjen [at]

Posters (by Feb 23) (closed)

Poster submissions must be in PDF and 1-2 pages long. See the call for posters for additional details regarding content and formatting.

Submit poster descriptions at

Demonstrations (by Feb 23) (closed)

Demonstration submissions must be in PDF and two pages long: (1) a submission describing the demonstration and (2) a page listing the requirements for presenting the demonstration. See the call for demonstrations for additional details regarding content and formatting.

Submit demonstration proposals at

Doctoral consortium (by March 2) (closed)

Consortium submissions must be in PDF and six pages long: (1) a five-page presentation of the proposed work and (2) a one-page appendix. See the call for consortium submissions for additional details regarding content and formatting.

Submit Doctoral Consortium submissions at
