Schedule of paper presentations

This page lists the technical program for the main conference, Monday through Wednesday.  The conference also includes  tutorials on Sunday morning and afternoon, a welcome reception on Sunday evening, and workshops on Thursday morning and afternoon.

[Jump directly to Tuesday or Wednesday.]

SIGIR Best Paper Awards can be found at SIGIR's Awards Site.  SIGIR papers are available at the ACM Digital Library.


Monday, 7:00-8:20, Newcomers' Breakfast (invitation only)

First time attendees are invited to a breakfast.  A selection of SIGIR old timers will be there for mingling.

Republic Ballroom

Monday, 8:30-10:15, Welcome Salton Award lecture

Presenter and title a surprise (come to the Sunday reception to find out)

Constitution Ballroom

Monday, 10:15-10:45, break

Visit exhibitor tables, get something to drink and a small snack

Back Bay A and B

Monday, 10:45-12:15, Session 1 of papers

Session 1A: Novel search features
Chair: Fabio Crestani, Constitution Ballroom
Web Searching for Daily Living
Takuya Maekawa (NTT ), Yutaka Yanagisawa , Yasushi Sakurai , Yasue Kishino , Koji Kamei , Takeshi Okadome (NTT)
Global Ranking by Exploiting User Clicks
Shihao Ji (Yahoo! Labs), Ke Zhou (Shanghai Jiao-Tong University), Ciya Liao , Zhaohui Zheng (Yahoo! Labs), Gui-Rong Xue (Shanghai Jiao-Tong University), Olivier Chapelle , Gordon Sun (Yahoo! Labs), Hongyuan Zha (Georgia Tech.)
Good Abandonment in Mobile and PC Internet Search
Jane Li , Scott Huffman , Akihito Tokuda (Google Inc. )
Session 1B: Classification and clustering
Chair: Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Back Bay C
Context-Aware Query Classification
Huanhuan Cao (University of Science and Technology of China), Derek Hao Hu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Dou Shen (Microsoft Coporation), Daxin Jiang , Jian-Tao Sun (Microsoft Research Asia), Enhong Chen (University of Science and Technology of China), Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )
Refined Experts: Improving Classification in Large Taxonomies
Paul N. Bennett (Microsoft Research), Nam Nguyen (Cornell University)
Dynamicity vs. Effectiveness: Studying Online Clustering for Scatter/Gather
Weimao Ke , Cassidy R. Sugimoto , Javed Mostafa (University of North Carolina)
Session 1C: Expansion and feedback
Chair: Ellen Voorhees, Back Bay D
Efficient Query Expansion for Advertisement Search
Haofen Wang , Yan Liang , Linyun Fu , Gui-Rong Xue , Yong Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Query Dependent Pseudo-Relevance Feedback based on Wikipedia
Yang Xu (Institute of Computing,Chinese Academy of Sciences), Gareth J. F. Jones (Dublin City University), Bin Wang (Institute of Computing,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Segment-Level Display Time as Implicit Feedback: A Comparison to Eye Tracking
Georg Buscher , Ludger van Elst , Andreas Dengel (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI))

Monday, 12:15-2:00, lunch on your own

A list of nearby lunch-friendly restaurants is available at the registration desk.

Monday, 2:00-3:30, Session 2 of papers

Session 2A: Web 2.0
Chair: Eugene Agichtein, Constitution Ballroom
A Statistical Comparison of Tag and Query Logs
Mark J. Carman (University of Lugano), Mark Baillie (University of Strathclyde), Robert Gwadera , Fabio Crestani (University of Lugano)
Simultaneously Modeling Semantics and Structure of Threaded Discussions: A Sparse Coding Approach and Its Applications
Chen Lin (Fudan University), Jiang-Ming Yang , Rui Cai , Xin-Jing Wang (Microsoft Research, Asia), Wei Wang (Fudan University), Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia)
Enhancing Cluster Labeling Using Wikipedia
David Carmel , Haggai Roitman , Naama Zwerdling (IBM Haifa Research Lab)
Session 2B: Retrieval models I
Chair: Maarten de Rijke, Back Bay C
Risky Business: Modeling and Exploiting Uncertainty in Information Retrieval
Jianhan Zhu , Jun Wang , Ingemar J. Cox (University College London), Michael J. Taylor (Microsoft Research)
Approximating True Relevance Distribution from a Mixture Model based on Irrelevance Data
Peng Zhang (The Robert Gordon University), Yuexian Hou (Tianjin University), Dawei Song (The Robert Gordon University)
Portfolio Theory of Information Retrieval
Jun Wang , Jianhan Zhu (University College London)
Session 2C: Speech and linguistic processing
Chair: Arjen P. de Vries, Back Bay D
Addressing Morphological Variation in Alphabetic Languages
Paul McNamee (Johns Hopkins University), Charles Nicholas (UMBC), James Mayfield (Johns Hopkins University)
Web derived Pronunciations for Spoken Term Detection
Dogan Can (Bogazici University), Erica Cooper (MIT), Arnab Ghoshal (Johns Hopkins University), Martin Jansche (Google, Inc.), Sanjeev Khudanpur (Johns Hopkins University), Bhuvana Ramabhadran (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), Michael Riley (Google, Inc.), Murat Saraclar (Bogazici University), Abhinav Sethy (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center), Morgan Ulinski (Cornell University), Christopher White (Johns Hopkins University)
Combining LVCSR and Vocabulary-Independent Ranked Utterance Retrieval for Robust Speech Search
J. Scott Olsson (Johns Hopkins University), Douglas W. Oard (University of Maryland)

Monday, 3:30-4:00, break

Back Bay A and B

Monday, 4:00-5:30, Session 3 of papers

Session 3A: Recommenders I
Chair: Natasa Milic-Fraylin, Constitution Ballroom
On Social Networks and Collaborative Recommendation
Ioannis Konstas , Vassilios Stathopoulos , Joemon M. Jose (University of Glasgow)
Learning to Recommend with Social Trust Ensemble
Hao Ma , Irwin King , Michael R. Lyu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Fast Nonparametric Matrix Factorization for Large-scale Collaborative Filtering
Kai Yu , Shenghuo Zhu (NEC Laboratories America), John Lafferty (School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University), Yihong Gong (NEC Laboratories America)
Session 3B: Question answering
Chair: Hwee Tou Ng, Back Bay C
A Classification-based Approach to Question Answering in Discussion Boards
Liangjie Hong , Brian D. Davison (Lehigh University)
Ranking Community Answers by Modeling Question-Answer Relationships via Analogical Reasoning
Xin-Jing Wang (Microsoft Research Asia), Xudong Tu , Dan Feng (Huazhong Science and Technology University), Lei Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia)
A Syntactic Tree Matching Approach to Finding Similar Questions in Community-based QA Services
Kai Wang , Zhaoyan Ming , Tat-Seng Chua (National University of Singapore)
Session 3C: Efficiency
Chair: Alistair Moffat, Back Bay D
Compressing Term Positions in Web Indexes
Hao Yan , Shuai Ding , Torsten Suel (Polytechnic Institute of NYU)
Brute Force and Indexed Approaches to Pairwise Document Similarity Comparisons with MapReduce
Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland)
Efficiency Trade-Offs in Two-Tier Web Search Systems
Ricardo Baeza-Yates , Vanessa Murdock (Yahoo!), Claudia Hauff (University of Twente)

Monday, 6:00-9:00, Poster and demonstration reception

Come look at posters presenting recent and interesting results, as well as a dozen demonstrations of IR systems and IR-related systems.  The receiption includes heavy hors d'oevres.

Republic Ballroom


Tuesday, 8:30-10:00, Session 4 of papers

Session 4A: Web retrieval I
Chair: Dave Hawking, Constitution Ballroom
Building Enriched Document Representations using Aggregated Anchor Text
Donald Metzler , Jasmine Novak , Hang Cui , Srihari Reddy (Yahoo! Labs)
Using Anchor Texts with Their Hyperlink Structure for Web Search
Zhicheng Dou , Ruihua Song (Microsoft Research Asia), Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montreal), Ji-Rong Wen (Microsoft Research Asia)
Link Analysis for Private Weighted Graphs
Jun Sakuma (University of Tsukuba), Shigenobu Kobayashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Session 4B: Learning to Rank I
Chair: Tie-Yan Liu, Back Bay C
Learning to Rank for Quantity Consensus Queries
Somnath Banerjee (HP Labs India), Soumen Chakrabarti , Ganesh Ramakrishnan (IIT Bombay)
Learning in a Pairwise Term-Term Proximity Framework for Information Retrieval
Ronan Cummins (Digital Enterprise Research Institute), Colm O'Riordan (Dept. of Information Technology)
Robust Sparse Rank Learning for Non-Smooth Ranking Measures
Zhengya Sun (Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences), Tao Qin (Microsoft Research Asia), Qing Tao , Jue Wang (Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Session 4C: Information extraction
Chair: Isabelle Moulinier, Back Bay D
Named Entity Recognition in Query
Jiafeng Guo (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS), Gu Xu (Microsoft Research Asia), Xueqi Cheng (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS), Hang Li (Microsoft Research Asia)
A 2-Poisson Model for Probabilistic Coreference of Named Entities for Improved Text Retrieval
Seung-Hoon Na , Hwee Tou Ng (National University of Singapore)
Mining Employment Market via Text Block Detection and Adaptive Cross-Domain Information Extraction
Tak-Lam Wong , Wai Lam , Bo Chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Tuesday, 10:00-10:30, break

Back Bay A and B

Tuesday, 10:30-12:00, Session 5 of papers

Session 5A: Retrieval models II
Chair: Stephen Robertson, Constitution Ballroom
A Proximity Language Model for Information Retrieval
Jinglei Zhao (iZENEsoft, Inc.), Yeogirl Yun (Wisenut, Inc.)
Positional Language Models for Information Retrieval
Yuanhua Lv , ChengXiang Zhai (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
A Bayesian Learning Approach to Promoting Diversity in Ranking for Biomedical Information Retrieval
Xiangji Huang , Qinmin Hu (York University)
Session 5B: Clickthrough models
Chair: Wessel Kraaij, Back Bay C
Entropy-biased Models for Query Representation on the Click Graph
Hongbo Deng , Irwin King , Michael R. Lyu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Click-Through Prediction for News Queries
Arnd Christian König , Michael Gamon , Qiang Wu (Microsoft Research)
Smoothing Clickthrough Data for Web Search Ranking
Jianfeng Gao (Microsoft Research), Wei Yuan (University of Montreal), Xiao Li (Microsoft Research), Kefeng Deng (Microsoft China), Jian-Yun Nie (University of Montreal)
Session 5C: Vertical search
Chair: Luo Si, Back Bay D
Sources of Evidence for Vertical Selection
Jaime Arguello (Carnegie Mellon University), Fernando Diaz (Yahoo! Labs Montreal), Jamie Callan (Carnegie Mellon University), Jean-Francois Crespo (Yahoo! Labs Montreal)
Adaptation of Offline Vertical Selection Predictions in the Presence of User Feedback
Fernando Diaz (Yahoo! Labs Montreal), Jaime Arguello (Carnegie Mellon University)
A Probabilistic Topic-Based Ranking Framework for Location-Sensitive Domain Information Retrieval
Huajing Li (The Pennsylvania State University), Zhisheng Li (The Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology), Wang-Chien Lee (The Pennsylvania State University), Dik Lun Lee (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Tuesday, 12:00-2:00, lunch on your own

A list of nearby lunch-friendly restaurants is available at the registration desk.

Tuesday, 2:00-3:30, Session 6 of papers

Session 6A: Interactive search
Chair: Sue Dumais, Constitution Ballroom
Predicting User Interests from Contextual Information
Ryen W. White , Peter Bailey , Liwei Chen (Microsoft Corporation)
A Comparison of Query and Term Suggestion Features for Interactive Searching
Diane Kelly , Karl Gyllstrom , Earl W. Bailey (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
An Aspectual Interface for Supporting Complex Search Tasks
Robert Villa , Iván Cantador , Hideo Joho , Joemon M. Jose (University of Glasgow)
Session 6B: Multimedia I (Music and video)
Chair: Gareth Jones, Back Bay C
Combining Audio Content and Social Context for Semantic Music Discovery
Douglas R. Turnbull (Swarthmore College), Luke Barrington, Gert Lanckriet , Mehrdad Yazdani (UC San Diego)
Automatic Video Tagging using Content Redundancy
Stefan Siersdorfer (L3S Research Centre), Jose San Pedro , Mark Sanderson (University of Sheffield)
CompositeMap: a Novel Framework for Music Similarity Measure
Bingjun Zhang (School of Computing, National University of Singapore), Jialie Shen (School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University), Qiaoliang Xiang , Ye Wang (School of Computing, National University of Singapore)
Session 6C: Federated, distributed search
Chair: Jamie Callan, Back Bay D
Quantifying Performance and Quality Gains in Distributed Web Search Engines
B. Barla Cambazoglu , Vassilis Plachouras , Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo! Research)
SUSHI: Scoring Scaled Samples for Server Selection
Paul Thomas (CSIRO), Milad Shokouhi (Microsoft Research)
Effective Query Expansion for Federated Search
Milad Shokouhi (Microsoft Research), Leif Azzopardi (University of Glasgow), Paul Thomas (CSIRO)

Tuesday, 3:30-4:00, break

Back Bay A and B

Tuesday, 4:00-5:30, Keynote presentation

A keynote address by Albert-László Barabási, "From Networks to Human Behavior". 

Tuesday, 6:30-10:00, Conference banquet

The conference banquet will be held at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.   Transportation to and from the banquet will be provided.


Wednesday is run in parallel with the Industry Track.

Wednesday, 8:30-10:00, Session 7 of papers and industry speakers

Session 7A: Industry Track speakers
Back Bay C
Session 7B: Learning to Rank II
Chair: Don Metzler, Constitution Ballroom
On the Local Optimality of LambdaRank
Pinar Donmez (Carnegie Mellon University), Krysta M. Svore , Christopher J.C. Burges (Microsoft Research)
Document Selection Methodologies for Efficient and Effective Learning-to-Rank
Javed A. Aslam , Evangelos Kanoulas , Virgil Pavlu , Stefan Savev (Northeastern University), Emine Yilmaz (Microsoft Research)
An Improved Markov Random Field Model for Supporting Verbose Queries
Matthew Lease (Brown University)
Session 7C: Evaluation and measurement I
Chair: Tetsuya Sakai, Back Bay D
On Rank Correlation and the Distance Between Rankings
Ben Carterette (University of Delaware)
Score Adjustment for Correction of Pooling Bias
William Webber , Laurence A. F. Park (The University of Melbourne)
Towards Methods for the Collective Gathering and Quality Control of Relevance Assessments
Gabriella Kazai, Natasa Milic-Frayling, Jamie Costello (Microsoft Research)

Wednesday, 10:00-10:30, break

Back Bay A and B

Wednesday, 10:30-12:00, Session 8 of papers and industry speakers

Session 8A: Industry Track speakers
Back Bay C
Session 8B: Multimedia II (Images and tags)
Chair: R. Manmatha, Constitution Ballroom
Placing Flickr Photos on a Map
Pavel Serdyukov (University of Twente), Vanessa Murdock , Roelof van Zwol (Yahoo!)
An Automatic Translation of Tags for Multimedia Contents Using Folksonomy Networks
Tae-Gil Noh , Seong-Bae Park , Hee-Geun Yoon , Sang-Jo Lee , Se-Young Park (Kyungpook National University)
CrowdReranking: Exploring Multiple Search Engines for Visual Search Reranking
Yuan Liu (University of Science and Technology of China), Tao Mei , Xian-Sheng Hua (Microsoft Research Asia)
Session 8C: Evaluation and measurement II
Chair: Mounia Lalmas, Back Bay D
Including Summaries in System Evaluation
Andrew Turpin , Falk Scholer (RMIT University), Kalervo Jarvelin (University of Tampere), Mingfang Wu , J. Shane Culpepper (RMIT University)
When More is Less: The Paradox of Choice in Search Engine Use
Antti Oulasvirta , Janne P. Hukkinen (Helsinki University of Technology TKK), Barry Schwartz (Swarthmore College)
Where to Stop Reading a Ranked List?: Threshold Optimization using Truncated Score Distributions
Avi Arampatzis , Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam), Stephen Robertson (Microsoft Research)

Wednesday, 12:00-2:00, lunch and SIGIR business meeting

A box lunch will be available.

The SIGIR business meeting will be held over lunch in Back Bay C.

Wednesday, 2:00-3:30, Session 9 of papers and industry speakers

Session 9A: Industry track speakers
Back Bay C
Session 9B: Recommenders II
Chair: Nick Belkin, Constitution Ballroom
The Wisdom of the Few: A Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on Expert Opinions from the Web
Xavier Amatriain (Telefonica Research), Neal Lathia (University College of London), Josep M. Pujol (Telefonica Research), Haewoon Kwak (KAIST), Nuria Oliver (Telefonica Research)
Personalized Tag Recommendation Using Graph-based Ranking on Multi-type Interrelated Objects
Ziyu Guan , Jiajun Bu (Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Service Robot, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University), Qiaozhu Mei (Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Chun Chen , Can Wang (Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Service Robot, College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University)
Leveraging Sources of Collective Wisdom on the Web for Discovering Technology Synergies
Cai-Nicolas Ziegler , Stefan Jung (Siemens AG)
Session 9C: Query formulation
Chair: Diane Kelly, Back Bay D
Query Side Evaluation: An Empirical Analysis of Effectiveness and Effort
Leif Azzopardi (University of Glasgow)
Reducing Long Queries Using Query Quality Predictors
Giridhar Kumaran , Vitor R. Carvalho (Microsoft Corporation)
Extracting Structured Information from User Queries with Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields
Xiao Li , Ye-Yi Wang , Alex Acero (Microsoft Research)

Wednesday, 3:30-4:00, break

Back Bay A and B

Wednesday, 4:00-5:30, Session 10 of papers and industry speakers

Session 10A: Industry track speakers
Back Bay C
Session 10B: Web retrieval II
Chair: Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Constitution Ballroom
The Impact of Crawl Policy on Web Search Effectiveness
Dennis Fetterly , Nick Craswell , Vishwa Vinay (Microsoft Research)
Optimizing Search Engine Revenue in Sponsored Search
Yunzhang Zhu (Department of Fundamental Science, Tsinghua University), Gang Wang (Microsoft Research Aisa), Junli Yang (Software Engineering Department, Nankai University ), Dakan Wang (Computer Science Department, Shanghai Jiaotong University), Jun Yan , Jian Hu , Zheng Chen (Microsoft Resarch Asia)
Web-Derived Resources for Web Information Retrieval: From Conceptual Hierarchies to Attribute Hierarchies
Marius Pasca , Enrique Alfonseca (Google Inc.)
Session 10C: Spamming
Chair: Charlie Clarke, Back Bay D
Spam Filter Evaluation with Imprecise Ground Truth
Gordon V. Cormack (University of Waterloo), Aleksander Kolcz (Microsoft Live Labs)
Telling Experts from Spammers: Expertise Ranking in Folksonomies
Michael G. Noll (Hasso Plattner Institute), Ching-man Au Yeung , Nicholas Gibbins (University of Southampton), Christoph Meinel (Hasso Plattner Institute), Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton)
Detecting Spammers and Content Promoters in Online Video Social Networks
Fabrício Benevenuto , Tiago Rodrigues , Virgílio Almeida , Jussara Almeida , Marcos Gonçalves (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

 Wednesday, 5:30-6:00, Conference closing

Constitution Ballroom

