Tag Archives: editor in chief

Call for Nominations TIST EiC

The current Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) is stepping down after two terms, and the ACM Publications Board has set up a nominating committee to assist the Board in selecting the next EiC.

Nominations are invited for a three-year term as TIST EiC, beginning on April 1, 2015. The EiC appointment may be renewed at most one time. This is an entirely voluntary position, but ACM will provide appropriate administrative support.

The EiC is responsible for maintaining the highest editorial quality, for setting technical direction of the papers published in TIST, and for maintaining a reasonable pipeline of articles for publication. He/she has final say on acceptance of papers and appointment of Associate Editors. The EiC is expected to adhere to the commitments expressed in the policy on Rights and Responsibilities in ACM Publishing. For more information about the role of the EiC, see ACM’s Evaluation Criteria for Editors-in-Chief.

Each nomination should include a vita along with a brief nominating statement of why the nominee should be considered. Self-nomination is encouraged, and should include a statement of the candidate’s vision for the future development of TIST. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 30, 2015, although nominations will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.

Please send nominations to the nominating committee chair:
Subbarao Kambhampati (rao AT asu.edu).

The search committee members are

  • Subbarao Kambhampati (Arizona State University), Chair
  • Boi Faltings (Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology, Lausanne)
  • Maria Gini (University of Minnesota)
  • Craig Knoblock (USC/ISI)
  • Stephen Smith (Carnegie-Mellon University)