The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval

July 8-12, 2018.   Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Call for SIRIP 2018 (Industry Track) Speaker Proposals


The SIGIR Symposium on IR in Practice (SIRIP), formally known as the SIGIR Industry Track, provides an opportunity for the community to meet and discuss the latest related technologies as applied in companies, both big and small, and to achieve knowledge transfer across the boundary between academia and industry. SIRIP 2018 will be held as part of ACM SIGIR 2018 which will take place July 8-12, 2018 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

We encourage proposals for SIRIP talks in two categories:
1) Industry participants are invited 
to present innovative approaches used in actual systems and products. We also encourage

presentations from small companies, especially startups or spin-offs from either a university project or a large company;
2) Open problems and newly emerging problems in industry that 
are of interest to academic and industrial IR researchers are also welcome.

We seek proposals of talks in all topic areas relevant to SIGIR 2018 in general (as listed in 
the Call for Papers). The following themes are especially encouraged for SIRIP 2018:

1.) Chatbot and question answering
2.) Knowledge graphs
3.) Advertising systems
4.) Internet economics
5.) Recommendation & personalization.

Proposals should be no longer than 2 pages, in ACM format.  Formatting guidelines are available at the ACM WebsitePlease include:

– A brief company portrait
– A short CV of the presenter(s)
– Title and abstract of the presentation including the reasons why your experiences would be interesting and relevant to the SIGIR audience.

A condition of acceptance is that at least one author commits to attend SIRIP 2018 to present 
the work. The authors of accepted proposals will be invited to submit a 2-page camera ready paper.


Submission Website
Authors should submit proposals via the submission website here:


Important Dates (Timezone: Anywhere on Earth)

March 18, 2018 SIRIP’18 Industry Track Proposals Due
April 11, 2018 SIRIP’18 Notifications
May 2, 2018 SIRIP’18 Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers
July 10-11, 2018 SIRIP’18


SIRIP 2018 Chairs
Yi Chang (Huawei)
Dawei Yin (

For inquiries please contact the SIRIP 2018 Chairs at