Special 2017, Volume 51 Number 2
Table of Contents
Overview of Special Issue
Donna Harman, Diane Kelly (Editors) James Allan, Nicholas J. Belkin, Paul Bennett, Jamie Callan, Charles Clarke, Fernando Diaz, Susan Dumais, Nicola Ferro, Donna Harman, Djoerd Hiemstra, Ian Ruthven, Tetsuya Sakai, Mark D. Smucker, Justin Zobel (Authors), pp 1-25
A study of the overlap between documentation representations
Jeffrey Katzer, Judith Tessier, William Frakes, and Padmini Das-Gupta, pp 26-34
The cluster hypothesis revisited
Ellen M. Voorhees, pp 35-43
A New Theoretical Framework for Information Retrieval
C. J. (Keith) van Rijsbergen, pp 44-50
Automatic phrase indexing for document retrieval
Joel Fagan, pp 51-61
A look back and a look forward
Karen Spark Jones, pp 62-78
Towards interactive query expansion
Donna Harman, pp 79-89
Information retrieval using a singular value decomposition model of latent semantic structure
George W. Furnas, Scott Deerwester, Susan T. Dumais, Thomas K. Landauer, Richard A. Harshman, Lynn A. Streeter, and Karen E. Lochbaum, pp 90-105
Adaptive information retrieval: using a connectionist representation to retrieve and learn about documents
Richard K. Belew, pp 106-115
A library system for information retrieval based on a cognitive task analysis and supported by an icon-based interface
Annelise Mark Pejtersen, pp 116-123
Inference networks for document retrieval
Howard Turtle and W. Bruce Croft, pp 124-147
Scatter/Gather: a cluster-based approach to browsing large document collections
Douglass R. Cutting, David R. Karger, Jan O. Pedersen, and John W. Tukey, pp 148-159
Searching distributed collections with inference networks
James P. Callan, Zhihong Lu, and W. Bruce Croft, pp 160-167
Query expansion using local and global document analysis
Jinxi Xu and W. Bruce Croft, pp 168-175
Pivoted document length normalization
Amit Singhal, Chris Buckley, and Mandar Mitra, pp 176-184
On-line new event detection and tracking
James Allan, Ron Papka, and Victor Lavrenko, pp 185-193
Improved algorithms for topic distillation in a hyperlinked environment
Krishna Bharat and Monika R. Henzinger, pp 194-201
A language modeling approach to information retrieval
Jay M. Ponte and W. Bruce Croft, pp 202-208
The use of MMR, diversity-based reranking for reordering documents and producing summaries
Jaime Carbonell and Jade Goldstein, pp 209-210
Probabilistic latent semantic indexing
Thomas Hofmann, pp 211-218
Information Retrieval as Statistical Translation
Adam Berger, John Lafferty, pp 219-226
An algorithmic framework for performing collaborative filtering
Jonathan L. Herlocker, Joseph A. Konstan, Al Borchers, and John Riedl, pp 227-234
Evaluating evaluation measure stability
Chris Buckley and Ellen M. Voorhees, pp 235-242
IR evaluation methods for retrieving highly relevant documents
Kalervo Järvelin and Jaana Kekäläinen, pp 243-250
Document language models, query models, and risk minimization for information retrieval
John Lafferty and Chengxiang Zhai, pp 251-259
Relevance-Based Language Models
Victor Lavrenko, W. Bruce Croft, pp 260-267
A study of smoothing methods for language models applied to Ad Hoc information retrieval
Chengxiang Zhai and John Lafferty, pp 268-276