Notice to on-line paper and poster presenters (7 July)
We inform you that on 6th July in the afternoon, you will be receiving your access information (with the personalised code to access the platform) for Virtual event on 7th July, 2022. Please read again carefully the guidelines for participants, particularly the sections that apply to your case (presenter, attendee, session chair, etc.) - the guide has been updated and completed recently in some details. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions ( (published on 05/07/2022) more
SIGIR 2022 Program at a Glance
SIGIR 2022 program at a glance has been published. (published on 26/5/2022) more
Participant Guidelines
SIGIR will move to a hybrid on-site + online format. In order to help everyone find their way in this new conference format, we summarize here some guidelines for all SIGIR 2022 participants. (published on 23/5/2022) more
SIGIR 2022 Registration
Information and registration fees for SIGIR 2022 have been published. Registration dates: EARLY until May 23, REGULAR until June 14, LATE/ON-SITE until 15 July. (published on 16/4/2022) more