SIGIR 2014 Schedule

The schedule can be downloaded to your phone, pad, or laptop in the following formats:
Social Program Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sunday (6th)
9:00 AM Doctoral Consortium 1
10:45 AM
11:15 AM
Doctoral Consortium 2
12:45 PM
Lunch (provided)
1:45 PM
Doctoral Consortium 3
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Doctoral Consortium 4
5:30 PM
Monday (7th)
9:00 AM AM Tutorial 1 SIRIP 1
10:45 AM
Coffee Coffee
11:15 AM
AM Tutorial 2 SIRIP 2
12:45 PM
Lunch (own arrangements)
until 1:45pm
Lunch (own arrangements)
until 2:00pm
2:00 PM
PM Tutorial 1 SIRIP 3
3:30 PM
Coffee Coffee
4:00 PM
PM Tutorial 2 SIRIP 4
5:30 PM
7:00 PM Welcome Reception
Tuesday (8th)
8:30 AM Welcome to SIGIR 2014
9:00 AM
Susan T. Dumais
Athena Award Lecture
Putting Searchers into Search
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Risks and Rewards #microblog #sigir2014 Recommendation
11:45 AM
Lunch (own arrangements)
Lunch for student attendees only (click here for details)
1:15 PM
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction Doctors and Lawyers Hashing and Efficiency
2:55 PM
3:25 PM
Social Media Indexing and Efficiency E Pluribus Unum
5:05 PM
Wednesday (9th)
9:00 AM Marti Hearst
Seeking Simplicity in Search User Interfaces
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Think Globally, Act Locally Scientia Potentia Est More Hashing
11:45 AM
Poster Session and Lunch (provided)
1:15 PM
Poster Session
2:55 PM
Poster Session and Coffee
3:25 PM
Brains!!! (a) Auto-completio
(b) How to Win Friends and Influence People
Collaborative Complex
5:05 PM
7:00 PM Banquet
Thursday (10th)
9:00 AM Hugh Williams
The Data Revolution: How Companies are Transforming with Big Data
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
#moremicroblog #sigir2014 Scents and Sensibility Users vs. Models
11:45 AM
Business Lunch (provided)
1:40 PM
Sentiments More Like Those Signs and Symbols
2:55 PM
3:25 PM
Picture This Time and Tide (a) Summaries and Semantics
(b) [Citation] Recommendation
5:05 PM
5:30 PM
Friday (11th)
9:00 AM Workshop 1
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Workshop 2
11:45 AM
Lunch (own arrangements)
1:15 PM
Workshop 3
2:55 PM
3:25 PM
Workshop 4
5:05 PM

Social Program

Welcome Reception
Monday 7th 7:00pm – 8:30
All conference attendees welcome

Student Lunch
Tuesday 8th 11:45am – 1:15pm
Lunch for student attendees only (click here for details)

Wednesday 9th 7:00pm – late
All conference attendees welcome

ACM SIGIR Business Lunch
Thursday 10th 11:45am – 1:40pm
All conference attendees welcome