
A Hybrid Model for Adhoc Information Retrieval
Zheng Ye (York University, Canada), Jimmy Huang (York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Jun Miao (York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
A Path-based Approach to Entity Search in RDF Graphs
Minsuk Kahng (Seoul National University), Sang-goo Lee (Seoul National University)
A Study of Term Weighting Schemes Using Class Information for Text Classification
Youngjoong Ko (Dong-A University)
A Topic Model of Clinical Reports
Corey Arnold (UCLA), William Speier (Medical Imaging Informatics, UCLA)
Active Query Selection for Learning Rankers
Mustafa Bilgic (Illinois Institute of Technology), Paul N Bennett (Microsoft)
Anticipatory Search: Using Context to Initiate Search
Daniel Liebling (Microsoft Research), Paul N Bennett (Microsoft), Ryen White (Microsoft Research Redmond)
BReK12: A Book Recommender for K-12 Users
Maria S Pera (Brigham Young University), Yiu-Kai Ng (Brigham Young University)
Clarity Re-Visited
Anna Shtok (Technion IIT), Shay Hummel (Technion IIT), Fiana Raiber (Technion IIT), David Carmel (IBM Research), Oren Kurland (Technion)
Cluster-Based One-Class Ensemble for Classification Problems in Information Retrieval
Nedim Lipka (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Benno Stein (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Anderka Maik (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Collaborative Filtering with Short Term Preferences Mining
Diyi Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Tianqi Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Weinan Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Creating Temporally Dynamic Web Search Snippets
Krysta Svore (Microsoft Research), Jaime Teevan (Microsoft Research Redmond), Susan Dumais (Microsoft Research Redmond), Anagha Kulkarni (Carnegie Mellon University)
Dependency Trigram Model for Social Relation Extraction from News Articles
Maengsik Choi (Kangwon National University), Harksoo Kim (Kangwon National University), W. Bruce Croft (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Detecting Candidate Named Entities in Search Queries
Areej Alasiry (Birkbeck, University of London), Mark Levene (Birkbeck, University of London), Alexandra Poulovassilis (Birkbeck, University of London)
Effect of Dynamic Pruning Safety on Learning to Rank Effectiveness
Craig Macdonald (U. Glasgow), Nicola Tonellotto (ISTI-CNR), Iadh Ounis (U. Glasgow)
Effect of Written Instructions on Assessor Agreement
William Webber (University of Melbourne), Bryan Toth (Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Greenbelt), Marjorie Desamito (Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Greenbelt)
Effects of Expertise Differences in Synchronous Social Q&A
Ryen White (Microsoft Research Redmond), Matthew Richardson (Microsoft Research)
Efficient Estimation of Aspect Weights
Jon I Parker (Georgetown University), Andrew Yates (Georgetown University), Nazli Goharian (Georgetown University), Wai Gen Yee (Orbitz Worldwide)
Emotion Tagging for Comments of News by Meta Classification with Heterogeneous Information Sources
Ying Zhang (Nankai University), Yi Fang (Purdue University), Xiaojun Quan (City University of Hong Kong), Lin Dai (Beijing Institute of Technology), Luo Si (Purdue University), Xiaojie Yuan (Nankai University)
Estimating the Magic Barrier of Recommender Systems: A User Study
Alan Said (Technische University Berlin), Brijnesh J. Jain (Technische University Berlin), Sascha Narr (Technische University Berlin), Till Plumbaum (Technische University Berlin)
Explaining Neighborhood-based Recommendations
Juan F. Huete (University of Granada), Sergio Cleger-Tamayo (Universidad de Holguin), Juan M. Fernndez-Luna (Universidad de Granada)
Exploiting Term Dependency While Handling Negation in Medical Search
Nut Limsopatham (U. Glasgow), Craig Macdonald (U. Glasgow), Richard McCreadie (University of Glasgow), Iadh Ounis (U. Glasgow)
Exploring Example-Based Person Search in Email
Tan Xu (University of Maryland), Douglas W Oard (University of Maryland)
Exploring Tag Relevance for Image Tag Re-ranking
Jie Xiao (University of Texas at San Antonio), Wengang Zhou (University of Texas at San Antonio), Qi Tian (Microsoft Research)
Fast On-line Learning for Multilingual Categorization
Michelle Kovesi (Carleton University), Cyril Goutte (National Research Council Canada), Massih-Reza Amini (National Research Council of Canada)
Finding Interesting Posts in Twitter based on Retweet Graph Analysis
Min-Chul Yang (Korea University), Jung-Tae Lee (Korea University), Seung-Wook Lee (Korea University), Hae-Chang Rim (Korea University)
Finding Readings for Scientists from Social Websites
Jiepu Jiang (University of Pittsburgh), Zhen Yue (University of Pittsburgh), Daqing He (University of Pittsburgh)
Finding Web Appearances of Social Network Users via Latent Factor Model
Chen Kailong (Apex Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Fixed versus Dynamic Co-Occurrence Windows in TextRank Term Weights for Information Retrieval
Wei Lu (Wuhan University, China), Qikai Cheng, Christina Lioma (University of Copenhagen)
Gender-aware Re-ranking
Eugene Kharitonov (Yandex, LLC), Pavel Serdyukov (Yandex, LLC)
Genre Classification for Million Song Dataset Using Confidence-Based Classifiers Combination
Yajie Hu (University of Miami), Mitsunori Ogihara (University of Miami)
GLASE 0.1: Eyes tell more than mice
Viktors Garkavijs (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Mayumi Toshima (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Noriko Kando (National Institute of Informatics)
How Query Extensions Reflect Search Result Abandonments
Aleksandr Chuklin (Yandex), Pavel Serdyukov (Yandex, LLC)
Identifying Entity Aspects in Microblog Posts
Damiano Spina (UNED NLP & IR Group), Edgar Meij (University of Amsterdam), Andrei Oghina (ISLA, University of Amsterdam), Bui Minh Thuong (ISLA, University of Amsterdam), Mathias Breuss (ISLA, University of Amsterdam),Maarten de Rijke (ISLA, University of Amsterdam)
Impact of Assessor Disagreement on Ranking Performance
Pavel Metrikov (Northeastern University), Virgil Pavlu (Northeastern University), Javed A Aslam (Northeastern University)
Incorporating Statistical Topic Information in Relevance Feedback
Karla Caballero (University of California Santa Cruz), Ram Akella (University Of California Santa Cruz)
Inferring Missing Relevance Judgments from Crowd Workers via Probabilistic Matrix Factorization
Hyun Joon Jung (University of Texas at Austin), Matthew Lease (University of Texas at Austin)
Investigating Performance Predictors Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Score Distribution Models
Cummins Ronan (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Learning to Select a Time-aware Retrieval Model
Nattiya Kanhabua (L3S Research Center), Klaus Berberich (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics), Kjetil Norvag (NTNU)
Learning-based Query Re-ranking Using Time-Sensitive Information
Po-Tzu Chang (Dept. Of CSIE, National Taiwan University), Yen-Chieh Huang (Dept. Of CSIE, National Taiwan University), Cheng-Lun Yang (National Taiwan University), Shou-De Lin (Dept. Of CSIE, National Taiwan University), Pu-Jen Cheng (National Taiwan University)
Lightweight Contrastive Summarization for News Comment Mining
Gobaan Raveendran (University of Waterloo), Charles L. A.Clarke (University of Waterloo)
Looking Inside the Box: Context-Sensitive Translation for CLIR
Ferhan Ture (University of Maryland), Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland), Douglas W Oard (University of Maryland)
Making Results Fit Into 40 Characters: A Study in Document Rewriting
Johannes Leveling (Dublin City University), Gareth Jones (Dublin City University)
New Assessment Criteria for Query Suggestion
Zhongrui Ma (Renmin University of China), Yu Chen (Microsoft Research Asia), Ruihua Song (Microsoft Research Asia), Tetsuya Sakai (Microsoft Research Asia), Jiaheng Lu (Renmin University of China), Ji-Rong Wen (Microsoft Research)
On Automatically Tagging Web Documents from Examples
Nicholas Woodward (University of Texas at Austin), Weijia Xu
On Building a Reusable Twitter Corpus
Ian Soboroff (NIST), Dean McCullough (NIST), Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland), Craig Macdonald (U. Glasgow), Iadh Ounis (U. Glasgow), Richard McCreadie (U. Glasgow)
On Judgments Obtained from a Commercial Search Engine
Emine Yilmaz (Microsoft Research Cambridge), Nick Craswell (Microsoft), Gabriella Kazai (Microsoft Research), S.M.M (Saied) Tahaghoghi (Microsoft)
On the Mathematical Relationship between Expected n-call@k and the Relevance vs. Diversity Trade-off
Kar Wai Lim (Australian National University), Scott Sanner (NICTA), Shengbo Guo (Xerox Research Centre Europe)
On Time-aware Ad-hoc Retrieval Evaluation
Stephen Robertson (Microsoft Research Cambridge), Evangelos Kanoulas (Google)
Opinion Summarisation through Sentence Extraction: an Investigation with Movie Reviews
Marco Bonzanini (Queen Mary, University of London), Miguel Martinez-Alvarez (Queen Mary, University of London), Thomas Roelleke (Queen Mary University of London)
Optimizing parameters of the Expected Reciprocal Rank
Yury Logachev ( Yandex, LLC), Pavel Serdyukov (Yandex, LLC)
Ousting Ivory Tower Research: Towards a Web Framework for Providing Experiments as a Service
Tim Gollub (Bauhaus University Weimar), Benno Stein (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Steven Burrows (Bauhaus University Weimar)
Parallelizing ListNet Training using Spark
Shilpa Shukla (University of Texas at Austin), Matthew Lease (University of Texas at Austin), Ambuj Tewari (The University of Texas at Austin)
Predicting the Lifespans of Popular Tweets in Micro-Blog
Shoubin Kong (Tsinghua University), Ling Feng (Tsinghua University), Gordon Sun (Tencent, SOSO)
Preliminary Study of Technical Terminology for the Retrieval of Scientific Book Records
Birger Larsen (Royal School of Library and Information Science Denmark), Christina Lioma (University of Copenhagen), Ingo Frommholz (University of Bedfordshire), Hinrich Schuetze (University of Stuttgart)
Queries without clicks: Evaluating retrieval effectiveness based on user feedback.
Athanasia Koumpouri (University of Patras), Vasiliki Simaki (University of Patras)
Retrieval Evaluation on Focused Tasks
Besnik Fetahu (Saarland University), Ralf Schenkel (Saarland University)
Rewarding Term Location Information to Enhance Probabilistic Information Retrieval
Jiashu Zhao (York University), Jimmy Huang (York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Scheduling Queries Across Replicas
Ana Freire (University of A Coru—a), Craig Macdonald (U. Glasgow), Nicola Tonellotto (ISTI—CNR), Iadh Ounis (U. Glasgow), Fidel Cacheda (University of A Coru—a)
Search Result Examination Time Shown Unhelpful for Estimating Individual Result Relevance
Dmitry Lagun (Emory University), Eugene Agichtein (Emory University)
Sentiment Identification by Incorporating Syntactics, Semantics and Context Information
Kunpeng Zhang (Northwestern University), Yu Cheng (Northwestern University), Yusheng Xie (Northwestern University), Ankit Agrawal (Northwestern University), Alok Choudhary (Northwestern University)
Short Text Classification Using Very Few Words
Aixin Sun (Nanyang Technological University)
Summarizing the Differences from Microblogs
Dingding Wang (University of Miami), Mitsunori Ogihara (University of Miami), Tao Li (Florida International University)
Survival Analysis on Click Logs
Si-Chi Chin (The University of Iowa), W. Nick Street (The University of Iowa)
Text Selections as Implicit Relevance Feedback
Ryen White (Microsoft Research Redmond), Georg Buscher
Time to Judge Relevance as an Indicator of Assessor Error
Mark D Smucker (University of Waterloo)
Towards Alias Detection Without String Similarity: an Active Learning based Approach
Lili Jiang (Lanzhou University), Jianyong Wang (Tsinghua), Ping Luo (Hewlett Packard Labs China), Ning An (Hefei University of Technology), Min Wang (HP Labs China)
Towards Zero-Click Mobile IR Evaluation: Knowing What and Knowing When
Tetsuya Sakai (Microsoft Research Asia)
Twanchor Text: A Preliminary Study of the Value of Tweets as Anchor Text
Gilad Mishne (Twitter, Inc.), Jimmy Lin (Twitter, Inc.)
Unsupervised Linear Score Normalization Revisited
Ilya Markov (University of Lugano), Avi Arampatzis (Democritus University of Thrace), Fabio Crestani (University of Lugano)
User-Aware Caching and Prefetching Query Results in Web Search Engines
Ma Hongyuan (Insti. of Computing Technology, CAS, China)
Using Eye-Tracking with Dynamic Areas of Interest for Analyzing Interactive Information Retrieval
Vu TuanTran (University of Duisburg-Essen), Norbert Fuhr (University Duisburg-Essen)
Using PageRank to Infer User Preferences
Chandar Praveen (University of Delaware), Ben Carterette (University of Delaware)
Utilizing Inter-Document Similarities in Federated Search
Savva Khalaman (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), Oren Kurland (Technion)
Want a Coffee? Predicting Users’ Trails
Wen Li (Delft University of Technology), Carsten Eickhoff (Delft University of Technology), Arjen de Vries (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
Will This Hashtag Be Popular Tomorrow?
Zongyang Ma (Nanyang Technological University), Aixin Sun (Nanyang Technological University), Gao Cong (Nanyang Technological University)
$100,000 Prize Jackpot. Call Now! Identifying the Pertinent Features of SMS Spam
Zhi Da Henry Tan (Georgetown University), Nazli Goharian (Georgetown University), Micah Sherr (Georgetown University)