Report on the first stage of an investigation onto the comparative efficiency of indexing systems
Cyril W. Cleverdon The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1960
- Preface
- Chapter 1, Introduction
- Chapter 2, General objectives of the investigation
- Chapter 3, General organisation of programme
- Chapter 4, Detailed analysis of the problems encountered
- Chapter 5, Supplumentary procedures
- Chapter 6, Statistical details
- Chapter 7, Supplementary indexing
- Chapter 8, Conclusions
- Appendix A, List of project documents 14001 – 14100
- Appendix B, U.D.C. schedules and index
- Appendix C and D, Alphabetical subject headings and facet schedules
- Appendix E, List of uniterms
- Appendix F, Sample sheet of documents for externam indexing and questions
- Appendix G, List of co-operating organisations
Report on the testing and analysis of an investigation into the comparative efficiency of indexing systems
Cyril W. Cleverdon The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1962
- Preface
- Chapter 1, Introduction
- Chapter 2, Main test programme
- Chapter 3, Test results
- Chapter 4, Statistical Analysis
- Chapter 5, Analysis of failures
- Chapter 6, Supplementary test programmes
- Chapter 7, Testing of existing systems
- Chapter 8, Supplementary indexing
- Chapter 9, Comments on the results
- Chapter 10, Basic problems of information retrieval
- Appendix 2A
- Appendix 2B, Programme rules
- Appendix 3A, Statistical analysis of results of first two rounds of Aslib Cranfield research project
- Appendix 4A, 100 Questions based on source documents listed in Appendix 4B
- Appendix 4B, Titles of source documents for question listed in Appendix 4A
- Appendix 4C, Postings and results for documents P12001-P14000
- Appendix 4D, Correlation of terms used in 300 searches for indexing and searching
- Appendix 4E, Results for documents P12001-P14000 showing number of search results required
- Appendix 5A, Analysis of failures
- Appendix 5B, Examples of Analysis of Failures
- Appendix 6A, Letter to those assisting in compilation of bibliographies
- Appendix 7A, Analysis of results of test on English electric facet catalogue
- Appendix 7B, Analysis of failures for facet index in W.R.U test
- Appendix 8A, Instruction for supplementary indexers
- Backmatter
Factors determining the performance of indexing systems; Volume 1: Design
Cyril W. Cleverdon, Jack Mills, E. Michael Keen The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1966
- Preface
- Chapter 1, General considerations
- Chapter 2, Test design
- Chapter 3, Documents and questions
- Chapter 4, Indexing procedures
- Chapter 5, Formation of index languages
- Chapter 6, Testing Techniques
- Chapter 7, Additional tests
- Chapter 8, Comments
- References
Factors Determining the performance of indexing systems. Volume 2
Cyril W. Cleverdon, E. Michael Keen The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1966
- Summary and Preface
- Chapter 1, Introduction
- Chapter 2, Test environment
- Chapter 3, Methods for presentation of results
- Chapter 4, Main test results efficiency
- Chapter 5, simulated ranking and output cut-off
- Chapter 6, Supplementary tests and results
- Chapter 7, Citation indexing and bibliographic coupling
- Chapter 8, Conclusions
- References
- Appendix 3A, Tables of generality number, and fallout, recall and precision ratios
- Appendix 4A, Set of individual test results
- Appendix 5A, Formula for document ranking based on probability considerations G. H. Stearman
- Index
Factors Determining the Performance of Indexing Systems. Part 2, Appendices
Cyril W. Cleverdon, Jack Mills, E. Michael Keen The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1966
- Introduction to appendices
- List of Index Terms
- First letter and enclosures sent to authors of research papers
- Examples of various computer print-outs
Measures and Averaging Methods used in Performance Testing of Indexing Systems
E. Michael Keen The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1966
- Preface Cyril Cleverdon
- Measures of Retrieval Performance
The effect of variation in relevance assessments in comparative experimental tests of indexing languages
Cyril W. Cleverdon The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England, 1970
Evaluation of the MEDLARS Demand Search Service
F.W. Lancaster U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1968
- Preface
- Design and Execution of the Evaluation Program
- The Test Results
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Appendices
Automatic Indexing: A State-of-the-Art Report
Mary Elizabeth Stevens National Bureau of Standards Monograph 91, 1965
- Foreword A.V. Astin, Lewis M. Branscomb
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Indexes Compiled by Machine
- 3. Indexes Compiled by Machine – Automatic Derivative Indexing
- 4. Automatic Assignment Indexing Techniques
- 5. Automatic Classification and Categorization
- Other Potentially Related Research
- Problems of Evaluation
- Operational Considerations
- 9. Conclusion Appraisal of the State of the Art in Automatic Indexing
- Appendix A: List of References Cited and Selected Bibliography
- Appendix B: Progress and Prospects in Mechanized Indexing
- References
- Appendix C: Selective Bibliography of Additional References
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-7
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1964
- Preface
- Summary Gerard Salton
- The SMART system – An Introduction Gerard Salton
- The SMART system – General Program Description Michael Lesk
- Dictionary and Hierarchy Construction Claudine Harris
- Dictionary Lookup and Updating Procedures Mark Cane
- Processing of the Concept Hierarchy George Shapiro
- Syntax and Criterion Phrase Procedures Alan Lemmon
- The Sentence Matching Program – GRAPH Edward H. Sussenguth, Jr.
- Setup and Updating of the Criterion Tree File Tom Evslin, Thomas Lewis
- Statistical Phrase Processing Michael Lesk, Tom Evslin
- Procedures for Statistical Processing and Request Alternation Michael Lesk
- Housekeeping Routines Michael Lesk, Tom Evslin
- Possible Time-Sharing Organization for a SMART Retrieval System Joseph J. Rocchio
- The Determination of Clusters by Matrix Analysis A. Richard LeSchack
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-8
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1964
- Preface
- Summary Gerard Salton
- The SMART System – Typical Processing Sequences Michael Lesk
- The SMART Automatic Text Processing and Document Retrieval System Michael Lesk
- Performance Indices for Document Retrieval Systems Joseph Rocchio
- The Evaluation of Automatic Retrieval Procedures – Selected Test Results Using the SMART System Gerard Salton
- Automatic Phrase Matching Gerard Salton
- A Compact Format for Criterion Tree Specifications Alan Lemmon
- Dictionary Construction and Updating Claudine Harris
- The Extended SMART System Tom Evslin
- Adapting SMART to the M.I.T. Computible Time-Sharing System Mark Cane
- Test Design and Detailed Retrieval Results Joseph Rocchio, Margaret Engel
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-9
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1965
- Preface
- Summary Gerard Salton
- A Progress Report on SMART Gerard Salton
- A General Discussion Tom Evslin
- A Specific Description of the New SMART System Tom Evslin
- Specification Input to the Revised SMART System Michael Lesk
- The Dictionary Look-Up System Mark Cane
- The Dictionary Setup Procedures Mark Cane
- Statistical Phrase Processing George Shapiro
- A SMART Clustering Program Michael Lesk
- Updating the Criterion Tree File Guy Hochgesang
- The Revised Syntactic Processing for SMART Alan Lemmon
- Syntactic Analysis of Incomplete Sentences in the SMART System James Prowse
- The Tree Matching Program-MATCH Michael Razar
- Vector Merging and Vector Correlations Tom Evslin, Guy Hochgesang, Michael Lesk
- Concept-Concept and Document-Document Correlations Mark Cane, George Shapiro
- Hierarchy Set-Up and Hierarchy and Concept-Concept Expansion Procedures Michael Razar, George Shapiro
- The Reports Format Guy Hochgesang
- Evaluation of Retrieval Results in the Extended SMART System” Michael Lesk
- A Program to Evaluate the Iterative Search Process (MORVAL) Michael Lesk
- Combinations of Analysis Methods – The Merged Output Results Joseph Rocchio
- Analysis of Student Requests Claudine Harris
- Evaluation Viewpoints in Document Retrieval Joseph Rocchio
- Distinguishing Retrieved From Nonretrieved Information: The Cut-off Problem S. J. Sillers
- Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval Joseph Rocchio
- Information Search Optimization and Iterative Retrieval Techniques Joseph Rocchio, Gerard Salton
Document Retrieval System – Optimization and Evaluation: Scientific Report No. ISR-10
Joseph John Rocchio PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1966,
- Preface
- Introduction
- The Indexing Function
- Search Request Formulation
- The Query-Document Matching Function
- Evaluation of Document Retrieval Systems
- Appendix A, The SMART System
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-11
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1966
- Summary Gerard Salton
- The SMART System — Retrieval Results and Future Plans Gerard Salton
- Operating Instructions for the SMART Text Processing and Document Retrieval System Michael E. Lesk
- SOCCER – A Concordance Program Guy T. Hochgesang
- Information Analysis and Dictionary Construction Gerard Salton, Michael E. Lesk
- Design Criteria for Automatic Information Systems Michael E. Lesk, Gerard Salton
- Relevance Feedback in an Information Retrieval System W. Riddle, T. Horwitz, R. Dietz
- A Modified Two-Level Search Algorithm Using Request Clustering V.R. Lesser
- An Experimental Investigation of Automatic Hierarchy Generation G. Blomgren, A. Goodman, L. Kelly
- On Some Clustering Techniques for Information Retrieval J. D. Broffit, H. L. Morgan, J. V. Soden
- Design Considerations for Time Shared Automatic Documentation Centers Michael E. Lesk
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-12
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1967
- Preface
- I. The SMART project: Status Report and Plans Gerard Salton
- II. SIG – The Significance Programs for Testing the Evaluation Output Michael E. Lesk
- III. Computer Valuation of Indexing and Text Processing Gerard Salton, Michael E. Lesk
- IV. The Cornell Programs for Cluster Searching and Relevance Feedback E. Ide, R. Williamson, D. Williamson
- V. Search Strategy and the Optimization of Retrieval Effectiveness Gerard Salton
- VI. An Evaluation of Rocchios Clustering Algorithm Robert T. Grauer, Michel Messier
- VII. Information Retrieval: Dictionary Representations and Cluster Evaluation P.C. Leech, R.C. Matlack
- VIII. User Interaction with an Automated Information Retrieval System Eleanor Ide
- IX. Negative Response Relevance Feedback John Kelly
- X. A Relevance Feedback System Based on Document Transformations S.R. Friedman, J.A. Maceyak, S.F. Weiss
- XI. An Experiment in the Use of Bibliographic Data as a Source of Relevance Feedback in Information Retrieval M. Amreich, G. Grissom, D. Michelson, E. Ide
- XII. The Evaluation Problem in Relevance Feedback Systems Harold A. Hall, Nelson H. Weiderman
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-13
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1968
- Preface
- I. Test Environment E. Michael Keen
- II. Evaluation Parameters E. Michael Keen
- III. Search Matching Functions E. Michael Keen
- IV. Correlation Measures K. Reitsma, J. Sagalyn
- V. Document Length E. Michael Keen
- VI. Suffix Dictionaries E. Michael Keen
- VII. Thesaurus, Phrase and Hierarchy Dictionaries E. Michael Keen
- VIII. An Experiment in Automatic Thesaurus Construction R.T. Dattola, D.M. Murray
- IX. Word-Word Associations in Document Retrieval Systems E. Michael Keen
- X. An Analysis of the Documentation Requests E. Michael Keen
- Appendix A, Recall-Precision Tables
- Appendix B, Request Texts
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-14
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1968
- Preface
- Summary Gerard Salton
- Design of a Revised On-Line Information Retrieval System Michael Lesk
- The Cornell Implementation of the SMART System Donna Williamson
- Relevance Assessments and Retrieval System Evaluation Michael Lesk, Gerard Salton
- Resolution of Lexical Ambiguities in Ophthalmology M. Coyaud
- A Fast Algorithm for Automatic Classification R.T. Dattola
- A Comparison Between Manual and Automatic Indexing Methods Gerard Salton, Donna Williamson
- Search and Retrieval Experiments in Real-Time Information Retrieval Gerard Salton
- New Experiments in Relevance Feedback E. Ide
- Interactive Search and Retrieval Methods Using Automatic Information Displays Michael Lesk, Gerard Salton
- A Relevance Feedback System Employing a Dynamically Evolving Document Space M. C. Davis, M. D. Linsky, M. V. Zelkowitz
- Document Indexing Based on Relevance Feedback T.L. Brauen, R.C. Holt, T.R. Wilcox
- Query Splitting in Relevance Feedback Systems A. Borodin, L. Kerr, F. Lewis
- The Use of Relevant Documents Instead of Queries in Relevance Feedback R.G. Crawford, H.Z. Melzer
- Bean’s Automatic Tape Manipulator — A Description, and Operating Instructions Jeffrey Bean
- EDIT – An Editing Subroutine E. Ricardo Quinones
Relevance Feedback in an Automatic Document Retrieval System: Scientific Report No. ISR-15
Eleanor Ide Cornell University, 1969
- Abstract
- Preface
- I. Automatic Document; Retrieval Systems
- II. User Interaction With An On-Line Retrieval System
- III. Prior Investigations Of The Relevance Feedback Retrieval Algorithm
- IV. Environment Of The Reported Experiments
- V. Evaluation Of Retrieval Performance
- VI. Experimental Results
- VII. Recommendations Based on Present and Prior Experiments
- Summary
- Bibliography
Information Storage and Retrieval: Scientific Report No. ISR-16
Gerard Salton The National Science Foundation, 1969
- Preface
- Summary Gerard Salton
- The Cornell Implementation of the SMART System D. Williamson, R. Williamson, Michael Lesk
- A Scatter Storage Scheme For Dictionary Lookups D.M. Murray
- A New Evaluation Measure J. Joiner, L. Werner
- Automatic Processing of Foreign Language Documents Gerard Salton
- Syntax in Text Analysis S.F. Weiss
- Template Analysis and its Application to Natural Language Processing Stephen F. Weiss
- The Combination of Thesaurus and Word Form Vectors B. Faith, J. Jensen
- Bibliographic Data as an Aid to Document Retrieval J.W. McNeill, C.S. Wetherell
- The Use of Statistical Significance in Relevance Feedback J. Steven Brown, Paul D. Reilly
- Evaluation cf Feedback Retrieval using Modified Freezing, Residual Collection and Test and Control Groups C. Cirillo, Y.K. Chang, J. Razon
- Interactive Search Strategies and Dynamic File Organization in Information Retrieval E. Ide, G. Salton
- Query Splitting Using Relevant Documents Instead of Queries in Relevance Feedback T. Leventhal, R. Miller
- Experiments with a Fast Algorithm for Automatic Classification R.T. Dattola
- The Single Pass Clustering Method S. Rieber, V.P. Marathe
- Query Clustering in a Large Document Space S. Worona
Natural Language in Information Retrieval
Donald E. Walker, Hans Karlgren, Martin Kay Skriptor AB, Stockholm, 1977
- Preface
- Introduction Donald E. Walker
- The Organization and Conduct of the workshop Donald E. Walker
- Perspective Paper: Information Science F. W. Lancaster
- Perspective Paper: Library Science Derek Austin
- Perspective Paper: Quantitative Linguistics Wolf Moskovich
- Perspective Paper: Computational Linguistics Naomi Sager
- Perspective Paper: Linguistics Petr Sgall
- Perspective Paper: Complex Semantic Information Processing Teun A. van Dijk
- Perspective Paper: Terminology J. Goetschalckx
- Challenge Paper: Homeosemy — On the Linguistics of Information Retrieval Hans Karlgren
- Linguistics and Information Science: After Five Year Karen Sparck Jones, Martin Kay
- Workshop Participants
Annual Report: Automatic Informative Abstracting and Extracting
L. L. Earl Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, 1972
- Preface
- Experiments in the Use of Syntactic Information in Automatic Extracting and Indexing
- Describing and Abstracting Pictorial Data
Final Report on International Research Forum in Information Science: The Theoretical Basis of Information Science
B.C. Vickery, S.E. Robertson, N.J. Belkin British Library Research and Development Report No. 5262, 1975
- Preface
- Introduction
- A personal note B.C. Brookes
- Needs identified by the Forum
- Schedule of the Forum
- The purpose of the Forum B.C. Brookes
- Keynote: The phenomena of interest to information science G. Wersig, U. Neveling
- Keynote: What kind of science should information science be? B.C. Griffith
- Keynote: Hospitable formalisms R.A. Fairthorne
- Abstract: Information Science and the Phenomenon of Information N.J. Belkin, S.E. Robertson
- Abstract: What analogies with physical sciences are applicable to information transfer processes R. T. Bottle
- Abstract: Three levels of information science Maria Dembowska
- Abstract: On Information Science as a Discipline William Goffman
- Abstract: What kind of Science should Information Science be? Silvio Ceccato
- Abstract: Decision theory and logico-linguistics: possible foundations for a ‘shallow’ and a ‘deep’ science of information W. S. Cooper
- Abstract: What kind of Science should Information Science be? M. Kochen
- Abstract: Information science as an emerging discipline K. Samuelson
- Abstract: The Swets theory – formalism and science M. K. Heine
- Abstract: Operational models in information science F. F. Leimkuhler
- Abstract: A re-interpretation of Shannon’s information theory, and its relevance to information science M. F. Lynch
- Abstract: The role of ranked distributions in information science E. Wilkinson
- Reports of Reporting Groups: Phenomena S.E. Robertson
- Reports of Reporting Groups: Kind of Science M. Kochen
- Reports of Reporting Groups: Formalisms J.M. Griffiths
- Reports of Reporting Groups: Implications for research V. Horsnell
- Reports of Reporting Groups: Implications for curriculum development N.J. Belkin
- Concluding Paper: Review and synthesis B.C. Brookes
- Appendix: List of Participants
Free Text Retrieval Evaluation
Pauline Atherton, Kenneth H. Cook, Jeffrey Katzer Syracuse University, 1972
- Preface
- Introduction Kenneth H. Cook
- Data Base Kenneth H. Cook, Lynn Trump
- The User Sandra Browning
- Cost-Performance Analysis Jeffrey Katzer
- Conclusions and Recommendations Kenneth H. Cook
Report on the Need for and Provision for an ‘IDEAL’ Information Retrieval Test Collection
K. Sparck Jones, C.J. Van Rijsbergen Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5266, 1975
Information Retrieval
C.J. van Rijsbergen Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University, 1975
- Preface
- Chapter 1, Introduction
- Chapter 2, Automatic Text Analysis
- Chapter 3, Automatic Classification
- Chapter 4, File Structures
- Chapter 5, Search Strategies
- Chapter 6, Evaluation
- Chapter 7, The Future
- Bibliography
- Index
Report on a Design Study for the ‘IDEAL’ Information Retrieval Test Collection
K. Sparck Jones, R.G. Bates Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5428, 1977
Statistical Bases of Relevance Assessment for the ‘IDEAL’ Information Retrieval Test Collection
H. Gilbert, K. Sparck Jones Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5481, 1979
- Preface
- Summary
- Section A: The ‘ideal’ test collection and obtaining relevance assessments for it
- Section B: Statistical methods of determining relevance assessment requirements
- Practical implications of the statistical methods for building and using the ‘ideal’ collection
- References
- Appendices
Automatic Indexing: A State of the Art Review
Karen Sparck Jones Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5193, 1974
- Preface
- Introduction
- Automatic Indexing Procedures
- Syntax
- Semantics
- Indirect Indexing
- Mechanised Systems
- Related Areas
- Evaluation Experiments
- Conclusion
Research on Automatic Indexing 1974-1976, Volume 1: Text
K. Sparck Jones, R.G. Bates Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5464, 1977
- Preface
- Summary
- Section A: Aims, Data, Methodology
- Section B: Experiments
- Section C: Comparisons and Conclusions
- Section D: Computing
- References
- Glossary
- Appendix
Research on Relevance Weighting, 1976-1979
K. Sparck Jones, C.A. Webster Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5553, 1980
Information Retrieval Experiment
Karen Sparck Jones Butterworths, 1981
- Preface
- Chapter 1, Introduction Karen Sparck Jones
- Part 1, Testing in general Karen Sparck Jones
- The methodology of information retrieval experiment Stephen E. Robertson
- Retrieval effectiveness Cornelis J. van Rijsbergen
- Ineffable concepts in information retrieval Nicholas J. Belkin
- The pragmatics of information retrieval experimentation Jean M. Tague
- Part 2, Types of test
- Evaluation within the environment of an operating information service F. Wilfrid Lancaster
- Opportunities for testing with online systems Elizabeth D. Barraclough
- Laboratory tests of manual systems E. Michael Keen
- Laboratory tests: automatic systems Robert N. Oddy
- Simulation, and simulation experiments Michael D. Heine
- Gedanken experimentation: An alternative to traditional system testing? William S. Cooper
- Part 3, Actual tests
- Retrieval system tests 1958-1978 Karen Sparck Jones
- The Cranfield tests Karen Sparck Jones
- An experiment: search strategy variations in SDI profiles Lynn Evans
- The Smart environment for retrieval system evaluation — advantages and problem areas Gerard Salton
- Bibliography
- Index
- Back cover
Design Study for an Anomalous State of Knowledge Based Information Retrieval System
N.J. Belkin, R.N. Oddy University of Aston Computer Centre, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5547, 1979
- Preface
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Theoretical Basis of the ASK IR System
- Methods
- Results
- Data Analysis
- Discussion
- Conclusion and Further Research, References and Appendices
New Models in Probabilistic Information Retrieval
C.J. van Rijsbergen, S.E. Robertson, M.F. Porter Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5587, 1980
- Preface
- Introduction
- Establishing the NPL test collection at Cambridge
- The selection of good search terms
- Probabilistic models of indexing and searching
- Loose ends
- Programs for setting up document test collections
- An algorithm for suffix stripping
- The CAMIR system
Statistical problems in the application of probabilistic models to information retrieval
S.E. Robertson, J.D. Bovey Centre for Information Science City University, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5739, 1982
Information Technology: Research and Development, Vol 1, No 1, January 1982
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- Probability of Relevance: a Unification of Two Competing Models for Document Retrieval S.E. Robertson, M.E. Maron, and W.S. Cooper
- A Natural Language Analyser for Database Access B.K. Boguraev and K. Sparck Jones
- An Appraisal of Factors Affecting the Performance of Text Retrieval Systems N. Goldsmith
- The Fact Database: a System Using Generic Associative Networks D.R. McGregor and J.R. Malone
- An Overview of Information Sytems W.B. Croft
- Backmatter
Information Technology: Research and Development, Vol 1, No 2, April 1982
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- The Maximum Entropy Principle and Its Application to the Design of Probabilistic Retrieval Systems W.S. Cooper and P. Huizinga
- GOS: A Package for Making Catalogues M.F. Porter
- Implementing a Probabilistic Information Retrieval System M.F. Porter
- Information Retrieval Research: Strategies and User Implications V.V. Raghavan and J.S. Deogun
- Backmatter
Information Technology: Research and Development, Vol 1, No 3, July 1982
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- Online Identification of Word Variants and Arbitrary Truncation Searching using a String Similarity Measure G.E. Freund and P. Willett
- A Procedure for the Estimation of Term Similarity Coefficients T. Noreault and R. Chatham
- The Euronet Diane Network for Information Retrieval M. Purser
- Packet Switched Data Networks: an International Review
- Backmatter
Information Technology: Research and Development, Vol 1, No 4, October 1982
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- A Simple, Intelligent, Front End for Information Retrieval Systems using Boolean Logic M.H. Heine
- A Study of the Overlap among Document Representations J. Katzer, M.J. McGill, J.A. Tessier, W. Frakes, and P. DasGupta
- A Very Fast, Exact Nearest Neighbour Algorithm for Use in Information Retrieval F. Murtagh
- A New Approach to the Design of Structured Bibliographic Records D.D. Kouvatsos and E.J. Yannakoudakis
- Expert Systems: an Evolution in Information Retrieval T.R. Addis
- Backmatter
A front-end for IR experiments
S.E. Robertson, J.D. Bovey Centre for Information Science City University, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5807, 1983
- Preface
- Introduction
- Progress of the project
- The CIRT system: users’ view
- The searching algorithm
- Technical description of the system
- Thoughts on the future development of CIRT
- A Universal Search Protocol
- Conclusions and recommendations
Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval
G. Salton and M.J. McGill Computer Science Series, 1983
- Preface
- Chapter 1, Information Retrieval: an Introduction
- Chapter 2, Systems Based on Inverted Files
- Chapter 3, Text Analysis and Automatic Indexing
- Chapter 4, The SMART and SIRE Experimental Retrieval Systems
- Chapter 5, Retrieval Evaluation
- Chapter 6, Retrieval Refinements
- Chapter 7, Natural Language Processing
- Chapter 8, Access to Information: Hardware and Software Approaches
- Chapter 9, Data Mangement Systems
- Chapter 10, Future Directions in Information Retrieval
- Index
Information Technology: Research and Development, Vol 2, No 1, January 1983
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- Experiments with Representation in a Document Retrieval System W.B. Croft
- Graphical Presentation of Information and Services: a User-Oriented Interface H.P. Frei and J.-F. Jauslin
- Document Retrieval as a Database Application I.A. MacLeod and R.G. Crawford
- Backmatter
Information Technology: Research and Development, Vol 2, No 2/3, July 1983
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- Designing and Implementing a Microcomputer Training Package for Online Bibliographic Searching C.J. Armstrong and J.A. Large
- A Proposal for an Associative File Store with Run-Time Indexing. Part I: System Description E.J. Schuegraf and R.M. Lea
- An Outline of the Representation and Use of Temporal Data in the Reseda System G.P. Zarrri
- Poplog: a Multilanguage Program Development Environment A. Sloman, S. Hardy and J. Gibson
- Backmatter
Information Technology: Research and Development, Vol 2, No 4, October 1983
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- A Generalized Term Dependence Model in Information Retrieval C.T. Yu, C. Buckley, K. Lam, and G. Salton
- The Utah Text Retrieval Project L.A. Hollaar
- Information Retrieval at the Sedgwick Museum M.F. Porter
- Semantic Networks – A General Definition and a Survey G.D. Ritchie and F.K. Hanna
- Logic Programming Workshop 83 P.F. Wilk
- Backmatter
Information Technology Research Development Applications, Vol 3, No 1, January 1984
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- Special-Purpose Hardware and Effective Information Processing M. Agosti
- Relevance Feedback and a Fuzzy Set of Search Terms in an Information Retrieval System A.F. Smeaton
- Direct File Organization for Lemmatized text Retrieval K. Devine and F.J. Smith
- Soft Evaluation of Boolean Search Queries in Information Retrieval Systems C.D. Paice
- Augmented Semantic Networks for an Enterprise Knowledge Base P. Sturdza
- NATO Advance Study Institute
- Backmatter
Information Technology Research Development Applications, Vol 3, No 2, April 1984
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- Graphical Interfaces for Binary Relationship Databases F.N. Teskey, N. Dixon, and S.C. Holden
- A Nearest Neighbour Search Algorithm for Bibliographic Retrieval from Multilist Files P. Willet
- An Algorithm for Weighted Searching on a Boolean System J.D. Bovey and S.E. Robertson
- Maximum Entropy and the Optimal Design of Automated Information Retrieval Systems P.B. Kantor
- Information Retrieval from Classical Databases from a Signal-Detection Standpoint M.H. Heine
- A Comparison of the Cosine Correlation and the Modified Probabilistic Model W.B. Croft
- Backmatter
Information Technology Research Development Applications, Vol 3, No 3, 1984
C.J. van Rijsbergen
- Preface
- Simulation of a Distributed Expert-Based Information Provision Mechanism N.J. Belkin, R.D. Hennings, and T. Seeger
- An Integrated Fact/Document Information System for Office Automation E.A. Ozkarahan and F. Can
- Technique for Redundancy Control in a Distributed Hierarchical Filestore K. Lunn and K.H. Bennett
- Experimental Adaptive Interface M.V. Mason and R.C. Thomas
- An Approach to the Functional Description of an Information Retrieval System based on a Generalized Model C.J. Crouch and R.E. Nance
- Backmatter
Designing an Online Public Access Catalogue: Okapi, a catalogue on a local area network
Nathalie Nadia Mitev, Gillian M Venner, Stephen Walker The Polytechnic of Central LondonLibrary and Information Research Report 39, 1985
- Preface
- Background, history and aims
- Online public access catalogues
- Local area networks
- Creation of Okapi source file
- Access to catalogue files: indexing
- Search functions and search trees
- User interaction design
- Okapi in use
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Appendices
- References
- Glossary
- Index
An operational evaluation of weighting, ranking and relevance feedback via a front-end system
S.E. Robertson, C.L. Thompson Centre for Information Science City University, British Library Research and Development Report No. 5549, 1987
- Preface
- Introduction
- Refinements and Modifications to CIRT
- Methodology
- Results
- Problems
- Conclusions and recommendations
- References
- Appendices
Improving Subject Retrieval in Online Catalogues: Stemming, automatic spelling correction and cross-reference tables
Stephen Walker, Richard M Jones The Polytechnic of Central London, British Library Research Paper No. 24, 1987
- Preface
- Introduction
- Subject searching problems
- Stemming and truncation
- Tables and dictionaries
- Fuzzy matching and spelling correction
- Design and implementation
- System description
- Evaluation
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Appendices
- References
- Index
Improving Subject Retrieval in Online Catalogues: Relevance feedback and query expansion
Stephen Walker, Rachel De Vere The Polytechnic of Central London, British Library Research Paper No. 72, 1989
- Preface
- Introduction
- Query Modification through Relevance Feedback
- System Design and Description
- Evaluation
- Results and Analysis
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Appendices
- References
Evaluation of Online Catalogues: an assessment of methods
Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu, Stephen Robertson, Colin Neilson Centre for Information Science City University, British Library Research Paper No. 78, 1990
- Preface
- Introduction
- Approaches to Evaluation for Library Catalogues
- Methodology
- Olive—an enhanced logging facility
- Results
- Assessment of Evaluative Methods
- Future directions
- References
- Appendix A: Enhanced log and program intervention: a functional specification
- Appendix B: Experiment 2 questionnaires
- Appendix C: Experiment 3 questionnaires
- Appendix D: Experiment 4 questionnaires
- Appendix E: Questionnaire/observation form
Okapi at City: An evaluation facility for interactive IR
Stephen Walker, Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu Centre for Information Science City University, British Library Research and Development Report No. 6056, 1991