Volume 39 Number 1
Table of Contents
From the Chair
Jamie Callan, pp 1-3
ICDM Invited Presentation
Open source search: a data mining platform
Wray Buntine, pp 4-10
TREC Reports
The TREC robust retrieval track
Ellen M. Voorhees, pp 11-20
Report on the TREC 2004 genomics track
William R. Hersh, pp 21-24
The TREC tetrabyte retrieval track
Charles Clark, Nick Craswell and Ian Soboroff, p 25
CIKM Workshop Reports
The second ACM international workshop on multimedia databases (MMDB 2004)
Shu-Ching Chen and Mei-Ling Shyu, pp 26-30
Report on the 6th ACM international workshop on web information and data management (WIDM 2004)
Alberto H. F. Laender and Dongwon Lee, pp 31-33
Workshop and Conference Reports
Workshop on the evaluation of multimedia retrieval
Thijs Westerveld, Arjen P. de Vries and Franciska M. G. de Jong, pp 34-36
Report on the 27th European conference on information retrieval research (ECIR 2005)
David E. Losada and Juan M. Fernandez-Luna, pp 37-40
INEX Reports
Relevance feedback at the INEX 2004 workshop
Carolyn Crouch, pp 41-42
Report on the INEX 2004 interactive track
Anastosios Tombros, Saadia Malik and Birger Larsen, pp 43-49
The NLP task at INEX 2004
Shlomo Geva and Tony Sahama, pp 50-53
Dissertation Abstracts
Video information retrieval using objects and ostensive relevance feedback
Paul Browne, p 54
Effective web crawling
Carlos Castillo, pp 55-56
Searching and mining the web for personalized and specialized information
Michael Chau, p 57
Polyphonic music retrieval: the n-gram approach
Shyamala Doraisamy, p 58
Two information retrieval learning environments: their design and evaluation
Kai Halttunen, pp 59-60
Variations on language modeling for information retrieval
Wessel Kraaij, p 61
A relational vector-space model of information retrieval adapted to images
Jean Martinet, p 62
Verification of bibliometric methods’ applicability for thesaurus construction
Jesper W. Schneider, pp 63-64
Automatic summarization focusing on document genre and text structure
Yohei Seki, pp 65-67
Automated word sense disambiguation for web information retrieval
Christopher M. Stokoe, p 68
Using generative probabilistic models for multimedia retrieval
Thiijs Westerveld, p 69
Implicit feedback for interactive information retrieval
Ryen W. White, p 70
Aggregated feature video retrieval for MPEG-7 via clustering
Jiamin Ye, p 71