The June 2020 issue of the SIGIR Forum is available online. Check the latest news about our IR community in the time of a global pandemic in the Chair’s Letter. We are excited to announce the ACM SIGIR Academy that was recently established to honor and recognize individuals, who have made significant, cumulative contributions to the field of IR. The rest of this issue contains visionary/opinion papers, event reports and dissertation abstracts.
All posts by Nattiya Kanhabua
SIGIR Forum June 2018
The June 2018 issue of the SIGIR Forum is available online. Check out recent news from our SIGIR Chair. This issue of SIGIR Forum contains an abundance of information about the future of SIGIR, including a report from the organizers of the third Strategic Workshop on Information Retrieval in Lorne (SWIRL), which sets an agenda for the next few years of IR research, as well as reports describing the SIGIR Community Member Survey that was conducted earlier this year about preprints and ACM artifact review and badging.
Introducing New SIGIR Chapter: Tokyo
Following a very successful SIGIR 2017 Conference, a new ACM SIGIR Chapter has formed in Tokyo ( Congratulations to the Tokyo ACM SIGIR team for establishing this Chapter! Interested in starting a local chapter of SIGIR in your area? Contact our SIGIR Chair (Diane Kelly) and visit: .
SIGIR Forum July (Special Edition) 2017
The July (Special Edition) 2017 issue of the SIGIR Forum is available online.
This special issue of SIGIR Forum marks the 40th anniversary of the ACM SIGIR Conference by showcasing papers selected for the ACM SIGIR Test of Time Award from the years 1978-2001. These papers document the history and evolution of IR research and practice, and illustrate the intellectual impact the SIGIR Conference has had over time. The ACM SIGIR Test of Time Award recognizes conference papers that have had a longlasting influence on information retrieval research. When the award guidelines were created, eligible papers were identified as those that were published in a window of time 10 to 12 years prior to the year of the award. This meant that the first year this award was given, 2014, eligible papers came from the years 2002-2004. To identify papers published during the period 1978-2001 that might also be recognized with the Test of Time Award, a committee was created, which was led by Keith van Rijsbergen. Members of the committee were: Nicholas Belkin, Charlie Clarke, Susan Dumais, Norbert Fuhr, Donna Harman, Diane Kelly, Stephen Robertson, Stefan Rueger, Ian Ruthven, Tetsuya Sakai, Mark Sanderson, Ryen White, and Chengxiang Zhai.
Read more about this special issue: July (Special Edition) 2017 issue
SIGIR Forum June 2017
The June 2017 issue of the SIGIR Forum is available online. Check out recent news from our SIGIR Chair, SIGIR 2016 Test of Time Award, and more.