All posts by Krisztian Balog

New ACM SIGIR Executive Committee

The new ACM SIGIR Executive Committee, consisting of

Chair: Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Vice Chair: Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam
Secretary: Emine Yilmaz, University College London
Treasurer: Ben Carterette, University of Delaware
Past chair: Charles Clarke, University of Waterloo

took office on July 1st.

We thank the members of the outgoing Executive Committee, consisting of Yoelle Maarek (Yahoo! Labs Israel), Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam), Diane Kelly (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and outgoing chair Charlie Clarke (University of Waterloo) for their great work over the last three years.

Call for SIGIR 2016 Test of Time Award Nominations

The SIGIR Test of Time Award recognizes research that has had long-lasting influence, including impact on a subarea of information retrieval research, across subareas of information retrieval research, and outside of the information retrieval research community (e.g. non-information retrieval research or industry). The winning paper is selected from the set of full papers presented at the main SIGIR conference 10-12 years before. The SIGIR 2016 award will be selected from the set of full papers presented at SIGIR 2004, 2005, and 2006. The committee will select a subset of the candidates to evaluate for the award. Of the qualifying papers, the top 5 papers from the SIGIR main conference ranked by citation according to the ACM Digital Library will automatically be nominated for consideration. In addition, we encourage nominations from the community of papers not automatically selected. See the nominations page for further details.

CHIIR 2018 venue selected

The steering committee of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) is delighted to announce the selection of New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA as the venue for the 2018 conference. Chirag Shah and Nick Belkin will serve as conference chairs. More information on CHIIR 2018 will be available soon.